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What TV Antenna?

Started by Bill Cravener, May 04, 2010, 05:10:38 PM

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yah - we get the same biased reporting here
in fact, i suspect our politicians/media have it refined to more of a science than yours - lol
i look to the BBC to supplement the news we get here, and to get a different viewpoint   :P


I have always looked to the states as being 6 months to 8 years ahead of us here in the UK but last year I had an 'epiphany', I cant really describe it other than to say I saw the world in a new light and realised that for all our technologies we in the west are less advanced in some ways than other countries in the east....

I realised that we weren't coping with the technological advances, they were overwriting our understandings of the world faster than we could keep up (and more importantly overwriting the valid tried and tested stories we tell our children in a generation something never done before).... I knew this point would come at the age of 13 when I looked ahead to Peta (Peter :lol) flop computing, now it's here I see everything I expected, a generation that still cant use computers, a generation taken in by the tech hype with no peers to guide them, and a generation to come that will have to deal with a virtualised world where they will never know what is real and what is fake.... I have seen algorithms and machine learning that can fake almost anything you see on TV and it scares me to know some had it many many years before I even conceived of it.... I also know so many broken encryption standards currently in use....

Next time you see something on TV just ask yourself, is what you are watching on TV beamed from a satelite or generated on a local computer? Is the soap you are watching generated by people or simply output off a database of potential human interactions and the affect they will have on your thought process?

I know what you're going to say.... He's going off on one.... That doesnt happen.... Oh rly.... Then talk to my handler cos this bot isnt listening :lol

PS. the worlds top 500 computers is actually a volentary project.... It doesnt represent the height of our computing expertise in the least as it only lists computers submitted and those for purposes that are publishable. There is nothing to say IMHO that the capability to mutate the media viewed by every single person on the planet doesnt exist.... With some fancy ASM you can almost do it on a home PC and they are already talking about exahertz level SCs quite openly (1 billion times faster than your average PC)
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking