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Manipulation of strings

Started by Herakles, May 17, 2010, 04:40:50 PM

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Very interesting books, but as they just want us to learn the basics (the course lasts solely three months), I'll stick to the document they gave us. I realized that the most important and difficult aspect is the architectural thinking and not the implementation.

I'm thinking of working in the USA after I'll finish university. The IT world over there is just amazing and many of the most important IT companies are in the USA. Would you say it's difficult for Europeans to find a job in the USA, especially because of the current economic crisis?




Quote from: Herakles
Would you say it's difficult for Europeans to find a job in the USA, especially because of the current economic crisis?

For someone fresh out of college, I would think that it would currently be next to impossible. No offense, but there are probably tens of thousands of better qualified/skilled people looking for jobs who wouldn't require vast amounts of paperwork (permits, visas, etc) to hire tomorrow. This alone would make it very difficult to secure a work permit. Plus there are the equally or less qualified.

The trick would be have a US company come look for you, as coming to the US to look for work isn't going to fly (even less so now, but historically a quick way to get deported on a visitor visa). You wouldn't be able to get a work visa unless a company wanted to fight for you.

You would probably want to do one of the following

a) Start a very successful open source project
b) Create/build some industry leading technology (hardware, software, security, analysis, forensics)
c) Work for a US multi-national company in your own country (IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, etc)
d) Work for a European multi-national company that has offices in the US
e) Get a Masters/PhD from a US University
f) Have a couple of million dollars to invest, or ideas/investors
g) Be a skilled/professional Goat Herder (used to be on the H1B visa list as I recall)
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


it's hard for anyone to find a good job here right now


Thanks for the replies.

The current situation must be very difficult for many people living in the USA. I knew that there is a crisis over there, but I didn't know that it is so dramatically.
I don't want to stay forever in the USA, but my aim is, to stay there for approximately one year, in order to improve my English skills and also my IT skills. Well, I could also go to England, but it would be nice to live and work in a non-European country.

I also don't expect to find a job that is a heaven on earth but it would be nice, if that job could give me as much money as I need to pay the accommodation and the food. My ultimate ambition is to increase my English skills and also my IT skills during that year.

Do you think it's more simply to find a payed work placement rather than a job in the USA?

clive, how did you manage to go from England to the USA?
(Sorry, if I am too personal...)


Probably want to do it for 3 years, because the paperwork might take you months. You could always go back earlier. Back when I did it in 1991 it took about 3 months. I suspect it is a lot worse now. Figure at least 6 months, if immigration/employment agencies don't throw roadblocks.

Not sure I'd want to go back to England, pretty depressing there these days.

I'm a hardware guy that does software (drivers, embedded, tools). I built several computers from scratch in my teens with chips and wire. I was doing IC Design at Philips Semi (NXP), and had been on the technical staff at another company for 7 years that distributed hw/sw in Europe for the company I went to work with in the USA.

These days I work on the software for several GPS SoC devices using ARM, MIPS and Sparc processors. I've done development on a couple of GPS receivers, media players, WiFi and wireless modems. Before that I worked on PC storage peripherals.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.