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setting threads and processid on the fly...

Started by component, May 14, 2010, 05:11:36 PM

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Hi I have a debug question...

how do i do this effectively with out all kinds of error's

// Please Document this source code i want to change pi.hThread & also dwProcessId and readout present value's to make sure
//the updating has taken place...

.code //dis be dah code  :snooty: I cant do it im not going to even try without some real cool masm32 forum know how !!!
.elseif DBEvent.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP
               inc TotalInstruction
               invoke GetThreadContext,pi.hThread,addr context
               or context.regFlag,100h
               invoke SetThreadContext,pi.hThread, addr context
               invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBEvent.dwProcessId,DBEvent.dwThreadId,DBG_CONTINUE   

there used to be this cool debug windows thing you can do you add some kinda debug.h header and you can print to some lil debug windows all kinds of neet stuff on the fly HEYYYYYYYYYY thanks tons !!! :dance:


you can not change the PID or a thread handle - these identifiers are assigned by the OS.
What would be the purpose of this?
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


I'm pretty sure debugger-loader code won't be allowed in this forum, sorry.


are we accedentially promoting spagetti code ? by some proxy

hey how many people can document each line of code any how like 5 in the entire usa
at mit 6510 code classes you had to document almost every line or they would tell you you're off the wall.

this forum vortext permote's all aspects of code... they just are trying to keep things looking thoughtfull and need i say more

have an awsome coding day or night as the case may find you !

remember Donkey no icecream before beddy by time   :naughty:


Its always good to see someone reveal themselves. Bye bye smart guy.  :bg
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