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Help Finding GUI DLL

Started by ecube, January 20, 2010, 10:10:05 AM

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A few years ago I stumbled across a fantastic dll  written in MASM that let you visuall create your GUI like EasyASM does, only it generated the winapi calls code after. It came with source and I remember distinctly that the dll compiled to 1 megabyte. Unfortunately I lost my copy, and can't remember the name. I've been searching for months trying to find it, if you know anything about it, or have a copy please help, I wanna do big things with this project  :U


i was trying to find it Cube   :bg  no luck   :red
but, i had a couple ideas that might help jog your memory
1) do you have anything substantial that was written using the library - is it saved or posted somewhere ?
   maybe you have some source code laying around that referenced the library name
2) have you mentioned the library in the forum before ? - if so, maybe the forum search tool could help you
3) try to remember how you came across the library - maybe you were looking for something else at the time


I tried those steps without much luck, a lot of older ASM sites are gone now :\ I did find example code the dll generates, but didn't find any references to the name or the source of the DLL

;---------- [Create the Control Window] ----------
         INVOKE     CreateWindowEx, NULL, addr StaticClass, addr szText01,\
                    WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or SS_NOTIFY,\
                    10, 146, 43, 16, hwnd, 2009, hInst, NULL
            mov     hStat04, eax

;---------- [Create the Control Window] ----------
         INVOKE     CreateWindowEx, NULL, addr StaticClass, addr szText02,\
                    WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or SS_NOTIFY,\
                    10, 184, 46, 15, hwnd, 2012, hInst, NULL
            mov     hStat05, eax

;---------- [Create the Button Font] ----------
         INVOKE     lstrcpy, addr lf.lfFaceName, addr FontName
            mov     lf.lfHeight, 13
            mov     lf.lfWeight, 700
         INVOKE     CreateFontIndirect, ADDR lf
            mov     hFontB, eax
         INVOKE     SendMessage, win1, WM_SETFONT, hFontB, TRUE

that's an example of code generated by it, comments and all.


You could use the named variables / comments in google search strings where variations might be found
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


RadASM can generate all of the API calls to build a dialog as a window. The DlgToWin addin is designed for that function and is easy to use. You have simply to design the dialog in the editor then select "Dialog to Window" from the Tools menu. You will be able to specify exactly what parts of the dialog you want generated as API calls. There is also a facility to write templates to customize the output but I have never attempted one and wouldn't know where to start, Ketil wrote the addin so he would know how.
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"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable



this approach just vaguely rings a bell under the multiply used name "Visual Assembler" of about 10 years ago. It was done as a set of snippets that could be screwed together to make applications. The original died in 1998 but the DLL may have come from one of its successors.
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Quote from: hutch-- on January 20, 2010, 09:49:33 PM"Visual Assembler"

A phrase search gives me as top link a page that is so harmful that Google doesn't even give me a chance to proceed ;-)

Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!


You may go here at your own risk - search the page for visasm, several zips are available. Apparently it was a big project, but the latest update was over 10 years ago.


yeah unfortunately visual assembler isn't it, project i'm talking about was written in MASM and let you visual create your controls on a window, size em, set attributes etc just like EasyCode does only it generates api calls afterwards. Reason I want it is to add onto it so I can create subclassed controls automatically which will let me "skin" them with color and images, and produce visually exciting applications.  i'll look through those links thanks.


starting from scratch would probably make for a better end result, Cube   :U
lol - i saw that VisAsm - with the warning from google - they don't put those there lightly


Quote from: dedndave on January 21, 2010, 12:42:21 AM
lol - i saw that VisAsm - with the warning from google - they don't put those there lightly

The warning refers to the whole site, which offers lots of "exotic" software.

The VisAsm project looks clean - considerable efforts have gone into that one, with a total of 367 files (Masm32: 3,000) in 26 sub-folders. It seems mostly 32-bit assembler. I have not been able to make it assemble anything, but in principle it looks operational ::)

I could not find a hint to the author(s). Here are the release notes:
QuoteVersion:  alpha0627
Distribution: Binaries
Installation Notes:

It helps if you have downloaded and, and extracted
them in the given directory structure. The first time you run Visasm
it will prompt you for configuration information; configure the
modules and tools immediately (at least the text editor) or use the
Visasm.samp file for defaults.

6.27 Added Intern's completed syntax highlighting code and TWD's
     API insertables. Now has 750 API functions!
6.23 Disabled most of syntax highlighter (except in inserting code),
     forced font to Courier 10, fixed Fault in opcode insertion,
     fixed debugger/disasm menu and Run->Compile so they reflect
     the tools chosen in the Config Dialog boxes as soon as they are
6.12 Fixed bugs caused by config values not being loaded into
     global variables on 1st-time run; defaulted tool paths
     to tools included with visasm.

Known bugs:
* Clicking on one Visasm form does not bring all to top


i imagine that a site could get hacked - a virus gets uploaded (i-framed html, perhaps) - and gets on google's naughty list
if the webmaster doesn't pursue it, it probably stays on the list


i found something similar to what your are describing except not in a DLL and  without source included. :(

There is a chance what you are looking for is also in this archive.

CodeWiz is what i was looking at that made me remember this post.