chs order in which an image's blocks are written to a floppy?

Started by bobl, November 10, 2009, 07:48:28 PM

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I'm writing some floppy read code on a machine that doesn't have a floppy and...
after years of using RawWrite & dd suddenly realise that I don't know the chs order
in which images are written

logical             chs tuple
lba                   (cylinder, head, sector)
0                      0,             0,        1
1                      0,             0,        2
2                      0,             0,        3
62                     0,             0,        63
63              0,             1,        1

I got this off ''; i.e.
a site talking about 63 sectors per track (prolly not a floppy!).
The pattern suggests that 
disks are filled up by varying...
   sectors before heads &
   heads before cylinders
and that whilst cylinders and heads start at 0, sectors start at 1.

Can someone please advise if these rules hold true for floppies.

BTW What can I do to maintain the alignment of the numbers which look fine in the editor



The LBA-CHS equivalents shown in the linked article are correct for diskettes and for old hard disk drives, but for recent (~1990+) hard disk drives CHS is more or less meaningless. The attachment contains a Win32 console app that implements the LBA/CHS translation as specified in the ATA standard (~ATA/ATAPI-5), and displays the LBS-CHS equivalents for the first 200 LBAs.
eschew obfuscation


Thx to both of you for the confirmation and example.
I shall be using a hard disk too.