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ResEd a recommended resource editor for MASM32.

Started by hutch--, October 16, 2009, 11:07:27 PM

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Over a long time I have left this alone as most people have their own preference for tools of this type. Like anyone who has been writing Windows software for a long time I am awash with resource editors ranging from genuine antiques to reasonably recent versions but many of them are dedicated to one particular development environment and don't easily configure to another. My workhorse for years in an ancient Symantic NRE as it does not mess up existing C notation #include resource file but it is still an antique and has a few bugs here and there that I have learnt to live with.

Now of late I have been keeping track of Ketil Olsen's ResEd which has been developing quickly into a very professional tool with the advantage that it can be properly configured to fit the development layout for different editors, IDEs and the like. Ketil has just done a minor tweak so it can be called from an external tool in ResEd2205b. I have got it to work so far in QE with menu settings like this.

Edit RSRC.RC with ResEd,H:\resed2205\ResEd.exe rsrc.rc  ; open existing RSRC.RC in the current directory.
Edit Resources with ResEd,H:\resed2205\ResEd.exe     ; open ResEd to edit a resource.

For more dedicated modern tools you can still get Awiconslite as freeware and if you don't mind paying for it, Axialis cursors can do most things with technicolor non-standard sized cursors.

When I have played with ResEd for a while I will come back with a few more ideas and toys that can more fully utilise its capacity.
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ResEd is a very powerful tool. KetilO is always doing nice job.