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Started by 2-Bit Chip, September 08, 2009, 02:44:53 AM

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2-Bit Chip

    szVersion db "", 0
    szClassName2 db "Updater v", szVersion

error A2071: initializer magnitude too large for specified size

Why would it not work?

It should just make:
    szVersion db "", 0
    szClassName2 db "Updater v1.0.0.0-2",0


    szVersion db "", 0
    szClassName2 db "Updater v", szVersion <------- tries to put the 32-bit address of szVersion into a byte array

try this...

    szClassName2 db "Updater v"
    szVersion db "", 0


This might be a better option for organization:

CurrentVersion EQU "", 0

......blah blah blah....

szVersion db CurrentVersion
szClassName2 db "Updater v", CurrentVersion

Remember that a variable always references an address, whereas an EQU is essentially a 'plug and chug'.  In your version, you are trying to append the address of szVersion to the end of the string, which is neither support nor intended

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


Or alternatively use masm's @catstr (strcat?) or some such built in macro.


2-Bit Chip

I forgot all about how it represents an address. I really thought it would append it on during assembling.  :red

I like the method using the constants. For Dave, that method just looks messy (I hope you know what I mean), and I aim for readability, easy to go through and understand.

Thank you you all! :dance:


lol - that's ok - no offense taken
i bet that, at some point, you will make a structure just like that - lol
it seems inevitable
i do it quite often - especially for buffers

AsciiBuffer db 32 dup(?)
AscBuffTerm db 4 dup(?)
;end of AsciiBuffer

notice the remark at the end - that way, a reader (or myself) knows they belong together
the advantage in this case is that "sizeof AsciiBuffer" returns the correct value, without the terminator
i have assigned 4 bytes to the terminator in this case to keep the addresses 4-aligned

here' another example...

Banner  db 'DednDave Times Ten Table Generator'
BanTerm db 0,10
BanCrLf db 13,10,0
;end of Banner

this time, i use the banner (zero terminated) to set the console title
then, i set the 0 byte at BanTerm to a 13, and use the string again as the console banner (with 2 cr/lf pairs)
this way, i don't have to count bytes and say "mov byte ptr Banner+35,13"
i just say "mov byte ptr BanTerm,13"
i also use the last cr/lf pair for other text

i like RedSkull's approach - if you need to create 2 copies of the string
mine takes 10 bytes less   :U