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Started by Logman, July 20, 2009, 03:24:12 PM

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What is the lib.exe used for? Do I still need it with MASM10? If so, where do I get a copy of it?

If you read the fine print, you'll get an education. If you don't, you'll get experience!


it is a library manager
it allows you to create, view, and modify .LIB files
i can't imagine much changing in the lib manager, as libraries need to be compatible across different linker versions
i.e. libraries created with older library managers should work with newer linkers and
and libraries created with newer library managers should work with older linkers (hopefully - lol)
that means you can probably use an older lib.exe and not suffer much
in fact, if you want to be able to create libraries that are compatible with older linkers, an older lib manager may be prefered



  LIB.EXE is the Library Manager.  It is used for code management
creating libraries of routines from object files.  It is optional and
probably only useful if you have many programs using the same
sets of routines.

Steve N.

P.S.  Looks like Dave beat me to it...


Thanks FORTRANS and dedndave:

I had no idea what lib.exe was used for; I've never used it. I couldn't find any info on it on M$ website or Wikipedia.

Your explanation is what I needed--thanks.

If you read the fine print, you'll get an education. If you don't, you'll get experience!


Actually, lib.exe is a stub to run link.exe with the parameter -lib :

link.exe -lib parameters...


oh - things have changed, then
i guess you do need that - lol
MASM v5.10 (and earlier) came with a library manager named "lib.exe"
thanks for putting me straight, Erol
so, ummm - how do we manage libraries ?
by using LINK with "-lib" ?
nevermind - i will look it up when i get some time


Hi Dave,

link.exe with the -lib parameter works like lib.exe :

\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff stdout.asm
\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff strlen.asm
\masm32\bin\link.exe -lib /OUT:statlib.lib stdout.obj strlen.obj