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BETA2 Dialog Code generator

Started by hutch--, October 31, 2009, 06:00:41 AM

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This version is a lot more solid, creates its own INI and settings file from scratch if they don't exist, remembers the linker and resource compiler choice and writes each "MAKEIT.BAT file for each project with the liinker and resource compiler set by the user.

Output code is still very sparse and currently only processes WM_COMMAND messages for "Button" class controls. This version creates a bare dialog with a single button by default so there is something in the resource editor when it opens the RSRC.RC file.

The settings dialog is fully functional and gives you the choice of what versions of the tools it has listed. This has been tested with the default binaries in MASM32, VS2008 binaries, WinDDK binaries, Pelle's C binaries direct from the installation of pelle's C and it all appears to be working properly.

As long as you have Ketil Olsen's ResEd.EXE where you can find it on your computer, all you need to do is set up the paths once you start the code generator. Note that it must be version or later as Ketil tweaked it so it could be called from external tools.

If you need to rename the code generator EXE file, it will automatically write a new set of settings and INI files which reflect the new name you have given the executable.

It is currently at the stage where additional code generation is next so any feedback would be welcome.
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Bug 1. Spits the dummy on a rich edit control. No LoadLibrary call present for the DLL. Will be fixed in the next version.
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