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MASM32 installation problems

Started by Herbert.wong, January 22, 2009, 03:59:25 PM

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i have problems to use qeditor. the "project" button is Invalid.such as "Assemble ASM file" "Assemble & Link"   ....

but  during the whole  installation process ,all the  tips are success!  ( MASM32 VER10 ! install at "d:\" , the masm32 dir is "d:\masm32"

ASM file:

; いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい?
    include \masm32\include\
; いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい?

comment * -----------------------------------------------------
                     Build this console app with
                  "MAKEIT.BAT" on the PROJECT menu.
        ----------------------------------------------------- *

      value dd ?

      item dd 0


; いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい?

    call main

; いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい?

main proc

    print "Hello World",13,10


main endp

; いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい?

end start


memu.ini   file:

Compile &Resource File,\MASM32\BIN\Bres.bat "{b}"
&Assemble ASM file,\MASM32\BIN\Assmbl.bat "{b}"
&Link OBJ File,\MASM32\BIN\Lnk.bat "{b}"
As&semble && Link,\MASM32\BIN\Build.bat "{b}"
&Build All,\MASM32\BIN\Bldall.bat "{b}"
&Makeit.bat,makeit.bat "{b}"
Console Link &OBJ File,\MASM32\BIN\Lnkc.bat "{b}"
&Console Assemble && Link,\MASM32\BIN\Buildc.bat "{b}"
Console Build &All,\MASM32\BIN\Bldallc.bat "{b}"
&Run Program,"{b}.exe"

; -----------------------------
; put you resource editor here
; -----------------------------
&Microsoft Image Editor,\MASM32\BIN\Imagedit.exe
Microsoft &Zoomin Utility,\masm32\bin\zoomin.exe
&TopGun Wordwrap Editor,{e}topgun.exe
&Procedure Browser,\MASM32\qetb.exe \MASM32\procs
Browse MASM32 &Lib,\masm32\qetb.exe \masm32\m32lib
Map App &Procedures,{e}procmap.exe {e}qeditor.exe
&Hex to Mnemonic,\MASM32\Mnemonix.exe
&MASM32 Folder,\MASM32\Shellex.exe \masm32
Load Binary File As Hex,{e}\plugins\bin2hex.dll
Save Hex File As Binary,{e}\plugins\hex2bin.dll
Righ Trim Block,{e}\plugins\rtrim.dll
&Dis-assemble EXE file,\MASM32\BIN\dasm.bat "{b}"
Dis-&assemble DLL,\masm32\BIN\Dasmd.bat "{b}"
Format DumpPE Output,{e}\plugins\dumpcu.dll
&Indent .IF Block,{e}\plugins\Indentb.dll
Swap 32 bit registers,{e}\plugins\regswap.dll
Block &C++ Comment,{e}\plugins\cblockc.dll
Block &ASM Comment,{e}\plugins\ablockc.dll

Create New GUI Application,{e}\prostart.exe
Create New Console Application,{e}\script\console.qse
Create New &DLL,{e}\script\dll.qse
Create New Library Module,{e}\script\libmod.qse
Create New QE Plugin,{e}\script\plugin.qse
Create New Control Subclass,\MASM32\subclass.exe
Create New Object Module From File,{e}\fda2.exe
Create New Jump Table,{e}\tproc.exe
Create New Word List Jump Table,{e}\jtmake.exe
Create New Character Table,{e}\maketbl.exe
&Binary to DB Convertor,\masm32\Bintodb.exe
&RC Menu to .IF asm code,\masm32\Mnutoasm.exe
Small &Algo Testbed,\masm32\Testbed.qsc
Large Algo Testbed,\masm32\bigtstbd.qsc
Dialog &Template,\MASM32\dlgproc.qsc
Add In &Dialog,\MASM32\dlgtmplt.qsc
Create bld&lib.bat,\masm32\Libbat.qsc
Fast Insert Dialog Template,{e}\text\blankdlg.txt
Fast Insert Console Template,{e}\text\contemp.txt

Convert Text to Script,{e}\plugins\txt2qse.dll
Convert Binary to Script,{e}\plugins\bin2qse.dll
Debug MsgBox,{e}\text\dbmsgbox.txt
Last Error MessageBox,{e}\text\lasterr.txt
Debug Print,{e}\text\dbprint.txt
&Create EXE makeit.bat,\masm32\Bldmakit.qsc
&Create CONSOLE makeit.bat,\masm32\makecon.qsc
Create Sample &RC file,{e}\text\samplerc.txt
Insert switch$ Block,{e}\text\switch$.txt
Insert Normal switch Block,{e}\text\switch.txt
Insert Prologue Code,{e}\text\prolog.txt
Insert Epilogue Code,{e}\text\epilog.txt
Push 3 regs,{e}\text\push3.txt
Pop 3 regs,{e}\text\pop3.txt
3 nops,{e}\text\nops3.txt
Comment&0 «««««,{e}\text\comment0.txt
Comment&1 ¤¤¤¤¤,{e}\text\comment1.txt
Comment&2 ¤=÷=¤,{e}\text\comment2.txt
Comment&3 ÷·÷·÷,{e}\text\comment3.txt
Comment&4 ÷-÷-÷,{e}\text\comment4.txt
Comment&5 ¤*¤*¤,{e}\text\comment5.txt
Comment&6 ¤÷¤÷¤,{e}\text\comment6.txt
Comment&7 -----,{e}\text\comment7.txt
Comment&8 »»»»»,{e}\text\comment8.txt

Quick Editor Help,{e}\help\qeditor.chm
&MASM32 Help,{e}\HELP\masm32.chm
High Level Macro Help,{e}\help\hlhelp.chm
MASM32 &Library Reference,{e}\HELP\Masmlib.chm
MASM32 Dialog Help,{e}\HELP\imdialog.chm
&FPU Lib Help,{e}\HELP\Fpuhelp.chm
Date Time Reference,{e}\HELP\datetime.chm
&Opcodes Help,{e}\HELP\Opcodes.chm
&ASM Intro Help,{e}\HELP\Asmintro.chm
&VKdebug Help,{e}\help\VKDebug.chm


prostart.ini   :



pths.ini   :


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  file:


  ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« *

      .486                                      ; create 32 bit code
      .model flat, stdcall                      ; 32 bit memory model
      option casemap :none                      ; case sensitive

;     include files
;     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      include \masm32\include\       ; main windows include file
      include \masm32\include\        ; masm32 library include

    ; -------------------------
    ; Windows API include files
    ; -------------------------
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\
      include \masm32\include\

      include \masm32\include\       ; macro file for dialogs
      include \masm32\macros\macros.asm         ; masm32 macro file


In all of the files. the path is " \masm32\...." !!  should it be "d:\masm32\..." ???

Looking for your help  :( 


i have resolved the problems by "search"

thanks ! everyone!