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Struct: Symbol already different kind

Started by n00b!, September 16, 2008, 08:35:42 PM

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Simple reconstruction of post and conclusion: I CANNOT use simple structs in TASM
I get the senseless error "Symbol already different kind", which is definitely NOT.
Concluding it seems to be a some kind of heavy bug in TASM.


Simple reconstruction of post: see first post.


It seems like the symbol is already taken. try a different structure name.


Simple reconstruction of post: see first post.


Sorry, wrong Button!

(I accidently pressed the "Quote"-Button instead of the "Modify"-Button.)


Sorry, wrong Button!²

(I accidently pressed the "Quote"-Button instead of the "Modify"-Button, again...)



Why are you editing your posts and removing your questions after they have been answered? When you do this the context of the answers is lost, so the answers become meaningless nonsense of no further use to anyone. The point of retaining the contents of the forum and making it available, and searchable, is so other people can benefit from the answers. You should have more appreciation for the time people put into answering your questions, and stop turning their efforts into a waste of time.

eschew obfuscation



I just notice, as Michael said, that you've deleted almost all your questions and just the answers remains. You should follow Michael advice or the members of this board will loose interest in answering your posts.
