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Assembler/Compiler Technology / Re: My Assembler Development U...
Last post by jj2007 - May 21, 2012, 10:42:43 PM
Quote from: johnsa on May 21, 2012, 03:37:47 PM
I'm starting to look at building up the line number info necessary for debug mode output. As yet I'm not sure what COFF etc requires for this, I'm assuming it needs a line number+address reference for every instruction? As well as line number for symbol definitions (which is already stored in the symbol table). Any thoughts?
The one thing I do want to fix here over ML is that the line number in source of the actual MACRO must be stored (as this annoys me currently) when debugging you can't really step into a macro and there's no reason why not.. it should be much like a proc.

You probably saw the mapinfo:lines thread.

Good luck for your project :thumbu
The Campus / Re: Help, creating a Malloc fu...
Last post by jj2007 - May 21, 2012, 10:35:59 PM
Quote from: Vortex on May 21, 2012, 04:57:49 PM
Did you try to use C run-time malloc function from msvcrt.dll ?

The problem is that if you only have access to Kernel32, you cannot use the crt stuff...
Raùl, here is a little macro that needs only the kernel:

include \masm32\include\

start: call MyTest
inkey "bye"

MyTest proc
LOCAL v1, v2, rc:RECT
  mov ebx, Malloc(1000000)
  invoke lstrcpy, ebx, chr$("Hey, that's more than enough: ")
  print ebx
  lea eax, rc
  sub eax, ebx
  print str$(eax), " bytes for your little proggies", 13, 10
MyTest endp
end start

Hey, that's more than enough: 1000000 bytes for your little proggies

... and you don't even have to bother freeing it :wink
The Campus / Re: TB_GETBUTTON where addr TB...
Last post by xandaz - May 21, 2012, 08:35:47 PM
    Qw.... that's chinese to me. I'm just writting one app. I was trying to see if i could enumerate the button identifiers of the media player's toolbar so i could write something that'd keep track of whether it's playing, paused, which track, etc.
    I also tryied file mapping but the player always crashes. Thanks qw.
    btw. this was for a rent-a-coder but i think i've had enough trouble for 17 usd max and someone in russia will prolly bid 10usd so nm.
    Thanks again q
The Campus / Re: TB_GETBUTTON where addr TB...
Last post by qWord - May 21, 2012, 08:30:31 PM
Quote from: xandaz on May 21, 2012, 07:58:59 PMIs there a way to allocate memory that would be common to two different processes?
The VirtualAllocEx function allowes to allocate memory in an other process.
However, what about a message based interface for IPC?
I think you should move the posts to the new forums :D
The Campus / TB_GETBUTTON where addr TBB is...
Last post by xandaz - May 21, 2012, 07:58:59 PM
    How do i make it work for another process to access the lpTBBUTTON of TB_GETBUTTON? I created another process and am trying to use another to enumerate the components of a given control in the other process. The TBBUTTON struct that i reffer in the message comes out empty. Is there a way to allocate memory that would be common to two different processes? Thanks in advance.
GoAsm Assembler and Tools / Re: Rebar control (save, resto...
Last post by xandaz - May 21, 2012, 07:55:12 PM
   okies dave. The thing is i think that RB_SIZETORECT doesn't work very well... It should be a simple way to reorganize the rebar bands. Thanks.
The Campus / Re: How to create a hyperlink?
Last post by hfheatherfox07 - May 21, 2012, 07:14:02 PM
I was not able to duplicate that .....I do have some once that you might like ....just change the time on them to make slower or faster
The Soap Box / Re: New Forum
Last post by baltoro - May 21, 2012, 07:13:42 PM
So,...the obvious question,...
Is The OLD MASM Forum going to just die ???
...Or, are we just going to have to get used to being MASM schizophrenics ???
Also,...does this mean no more PORN ALERTS ???
The Campus / Re: bmp viewer wish your optim...
Last post by dedndave - May 21, 2012, 07:01:34 PM
here are a couple files - one is 256-color - the other is 16-color
one causes the program to crash - the other does not display