For those wanting to assemble ENUMWIN, MULTIDL, and RUNCPL but get a virus alert, the simplest way to change the programs to avoid the false detection is to add the line
invoke InitCommonControls
somewhere in the code. I know this should not be necessary for the programs to work, but if you are having the problem and want to play with the examples, try it. I have tried mightily but in vain to get my antivirus provider to fix the problem on their end. It's just not worth their effort, and easy for us to do something to avoid the problem.
Thanks Jim.
Which AV scanner do you use ? I am tempted to post a SH*T list of the bad ones.
Because of the variety of malware around and crappy signature tagging false positives are inevitable.
You people need to learn to use the exclude feature in your AV.
I've been using Avira for a couple of years now. I've tried most of the free AV progs, and this one seems to have the least amount of impact on my system, puts the least amount of crap in the registry and system folders, etc.
I think you'll find that the problem occurs in the majority of AV progs now. Something about the Heuristics hates really small programs, but adding InitCommonControls seems to make everyone I've tried happy.
I didn't come up with this idea, by the way. The tutorial I wrote for WinAsm Studio creates a small program that has started to get false positives, not Avira yet, but some of the others. A one time user over on the WinAsm forum suggested this fix, and it seems to work for everything I've tried so far.
It's gotten to the point where I'm just not going to fight it anymore. I have much bigger irritations in life to worry about.