I have posted the release version of the masm32 SDK Version 10 at www.masm32.com
It is curently available from 6 download sites and they are all working correctly.
Now that I am half awake, I would like to thank the many people who have helped, contributed and tested the new SDK. Ray Filiatreault for his excellent floating point library, Greg Lyon for writing and sharing his new date / time library, Michael Webster for permission to include his very popular timing macros and a set of examples in how to use them, Jim Giordano for converting Vladimir Kim's help file to CHM format so it was usable under Vista and the many other forum members who spent their time and effort testing code, installations and ideas.
Thanks to you and everyone who has helped make this. Much appreciated.
:thumbu :thumbu Thank you and the new look of the website is also much better!!! :bg :thumbu
Congrats on the realease :bg
Many thanks for this new release :U
w00t, new site and stable version!
Your MASM Package makes MASM be the best assembler :D
EDIT: "5. The include files and libraries have been upgraded to XP SP2." Why not SP3? :0
Thanks for the release :bg
YES !!!
Thanks to hutch and all the contributors !
(http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/love033.gif) (http://www.freesmileys.org)
FYI, just cut-n-paste from the old menus.ini into the new. Then copy your .hlp files ( or what ever ) and Voila !!!
I don't have my new Vista Business Box up to speed yet, but I am looking forward to MASM32 over there as well.
I must admit though, the grey on black lasted a whole 60 or so seconds, back to black on white.
WOW Hutch, smooth ride to v10 !!!
Regards, P1 :8)
Now i have a good reason to go back to asm... :U
Thanks for the new release.
Hi emadicius,
Welcome on board, glad you like the new version.
I haven't been round here since V6 or V7, can't remember, anyways nice to see this is still going strong. Maybe I'll get a more of a chance and bit further learning asm this time.
hutch I don't want to appear pedantic, but in Quick Editor on the Tools menu, the Right Trim Block item has the t missing from right, otherwise superb :U
Thanks Neil,
I will add that to the "to do" list.
Thank you for Masm 10.
Mnemonix.exe is missing.
The new QEditor is :8).
Thanks Hutch for another MASM32 release :thumbu
Thanks for this new version! :U
Just one little thing I have found annoying in version 10 of MASM, the file "dbgwin.hlp" (22 KB) is missing in the "help" folder. When using the VKDEBUG tool for debuging it is not possible to get help pressing "?" button or "F1" key (and an error message appears). Could it be added in future release?
Another thing: the link to "Archived Old Forum" (http://www.oldboard.assemblercode.com/index.php) is generating a php error.
Keep continuing making Masm32!
This is very cool...
However avast gives me the following:
Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}
File = http://masm32.masmcode.com/masm32/m32v10r.zip\install.exe\[Embedded_I#001c9c]\examples\poasm\runcpl\runcpl.exe
Please can you fix guys :red
It's not a problem with the masm package, it's The AV scanner that gives the false positive. There are posts on this board concerning this issue. Here is one:
Hope this helps you out.
Ah! Ok - Thanks for the info Rags...
great works! very very thanks
Hi Hutch-
I've been playing with some dialogs recently, and ran across a problem with some routines in masmlib.
Unless I'm totally misreading the situation (these have been around since the turn of the century) -
ColorDialog does not preserve edi (searching, this is also refernced back in '05 http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=2084.0)
PrintDialog and PageSetupDialog do not preserve esi and edi
Thanks for MASM 10.
I'm using StrToFloat from MASM32.lib.
It looks like that function doesn't preserve some registers (esi, edi, ebx).
thanks for this hutch
Thanks Hutch and ALL. Looking forward to diving back in after a lengthy hiatus.
Thanks Hutch this is very cool ! :U
Wow, already at 10!? Makes me feel kinda old... I downloaded my first masm32 package in the late nineties...
Thanks! I'll have to take a look... :)
Hi Hutch and everyone,
Many many moons ago I was a hobby programmer. I started on debug.com of all things and had a riot with assembly. Then along came windows (Yeah, I am old). I caved. Took up VB and then C. C was alright. Graduated to C++ because that was the thing to do at the time and six months later, my spirit died and I turned off programming. A couple of months ago after maybe 12 - 15 years I accidently landed on your site, read the hype and decided to download your front end. Well, two months later, I don't sleep anymore and I still have this happy grin. I just want to say thank you for all your work to make masm LIVE. Of course, my wife does not like you very much, but hey, we all have sacrifices to make. I hope to be up to some kind of speed that I can be actually useful at some point. Til then, I will happily stumble through. Many kudos to you! Unfortunately, I reserve my highest praise to the programmer who can intravenously distribute coffee (not java) in their code. But hey, you are close.
There is a trick with your better half, tell her its character building, prevents you from having a nervous breakdown, keeps you off the streets, with a good sales pitch the girls are very understanding especially if they see you with a smile on your face.
Tell her it keeps your brain in gear, reduces the risk of senile decay etc ....
All good Hutch and used them all. But the final price was lifting her ITunes cap. There is no such thing as freeware.
One of the lines of defence on this computer is Trend Micro Internet Security, which is telling me that this file:
may be carrying a malfare infection which they call
But that's all I know. It could be a false positive.
It IS a false positive, the source code to build it is there to view. Thats why there is a sh*tlist AV subforum so people can report what this crap messes up.
Thx Hutch. I'm not surprised. Sometimes I get a warning of suspicious behaviour by my own code on my own machine! :toothy
Quote from: Larry Hammick on December 04, 2009, 05:17:47 AM
One of the lines of defence on this computer is Trend Micro Internet Security, which is telling me that this file:
may be carrying a malfare infection which they call
But that's all I know. It could be a false positive.
by the way what kind of anti-virus product do you have ?
can I know the password please for Masm32 ???
I can't unzip the file...
Can anybody help me...
It does not have a password, either you have downloaded a hacked copy or your download was broken.
Download it again from www.masm32.com
Looks a nice version!
Installed without a hitch but am getting an error though:
Assemble and Link returns a 'File not found' error (even when using a bat file and a minimal asm file) Funny thing is it is still creating a working exe file!
Any ideas?
Would not a posted MD5 checksum of the file(s) against your public downloads be useful here ?
No, a ZIP file does its own as far as invalid downloads. Most problems people have are related to how their OS is set up.
Should have added that I installed ver10.0 on 32bit Vista. all defaults install, Have been running an earlier version of masm32 on the same laptop with no probs!
Will install it on the pc which is using xp, see if it still has the same problems!
Just make sure you install it in a profile that had admin access, this is to ensure that you have correct file IO without security or AV interfering. It installs on Win7 64 with no problems but I don't know about Vista.
At the end of the install, are there any paths added? Maybe it is a path problem peculiar to vista, yet vista and w7 paths should be the same AFAIK
ps: Just installed on xp pro sp3, getting the same file not found error while assembling and linking (avast turned off while installing) The installation was faultless, no warnings!
Annoying that there is no info produced on the the error that i could trace!
Try a batch file with >LOG.TXT. Or make a test with the RichMasm (http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=12460) editor: pressing F6 launches a fairly sophisticated batch file.
Well I'm getting somewhere!
But first a stupid thing, I dragged the test asm file into the qeEditor shortcut and when assembling/linking it produced a link error! I can see why as the obj file is created in the test folder off /masm32 and qeEditor is running from the root dir. Never done that before ever (experienced a link error) but worth a note! Incidentally this is the same on ver10 and earlier... any os.
Back to the main problem, finally found that the culprit was that I had a rsrc.rc file in the same dir, I know if a resource exists then it will be tagged on to the exe file even if it is not used, deleting the rc file and the asm file assembled and linked without error!
Tried this again in the older version of masm32 and no errors even with the spare rc file there!
Seems that the problem is that on ver10 the rsrc.rc is not being accepted somehow! I have always written the resource file long-hand and never had (or have) a problem on versions earlier than ver10. Need to dig deeper!
An advanced editor will check the source for resource-related keywords and decide what to do :wink
invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance, ...
invoke LoadIcon,hInst,500
invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,800
invoke LoadImage,hInstance,...
invoke LoadMenu,hInst,...
invoke LoadAccelerators, hInst
invoke LoadAccelerators, hInst
Think this problem is specific to QeEditor, well not the editor itself but what the assemble and link button handler code executes!
Rebuild all works ok with no warnings, Compile resource works ok too...
Hutch: May I suggest a few changes to QEditor. These ideas are stolen from Notepad++
Idea 1: Ability to bookmark specific lines in the editor by using CTRL + F2 and then scrolling between the bookmarks by pressing F2
Idea 2: Ability to swap lines of text up or down by pressing CTRL + SHIFT and UP/DOWN arrow keys
Idea 3: F11 for fullscreen mode coding
Idea 4: Line numbers on left side
Idea 5: Ability to zoom text (Font enlargement) by pressing CTRL and Mousewheel
Idea 6: Delete lines without selecting text first by pressing CTRL + L. It will then automatically move the next line one step up.
Idea 7: Ability to increase cursor size to block-size or half-block size
QE is written in MASM using a rich edit control so some of the suggestions are probably not possible. I doubt the line numbers in the display area can be done in a tidy way and it already has line numbers and text offsets on the status bar.
The side selection bar allows most things in block form to be done quickly and this is particularly the case with drag and drop so that you can move text around quickly, delete it, replace it and so on. The text cursor is set in the rich edit control so even if it was desirable, it would be difficult to perform. Full screen is less attractive than it used to be with wide format screens where you are wasting screen space but its easy enough to click the maximise button or dsouble click on the title bar so I don't see the point.
The zoom capacity is easy enough to do and viable but it comes at the price that you cannot use fixed size fonts. I have a test piece up and running that can zoom text in and out but it can only be done with a scalable font and there are few decent fixed pitch fonts available in scalable form.
RE: Notepad++, QE predates it by some years and over time there have been requests to make it like the Borland IDE, Microsoft IDE, UltraEdit IDE, VB etc etc .... It is a tool in its own right with programmable menus to run anything you like, published DLL interfaces, 2 seperate scripting engines and a hybrid multi-instance design that can do much the same as an MDI interface but without being constrained within a single comtainer.
Fair enough, but i'm gonna get you for this :bdg
Quote from: zemtex on September 12, 2010, 05:39:50 PM
Idea 1: Ability to bookmark specific lines in the editor by using CTRL + F2 and then scrolling between the bookmarks by pressing F2
What do you think about the RichMasm (http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=9044) bookmarking system? Select the text piece you want to see in the bookmark sidebar, press Control D, done.
I have never tried RichMasm. I use notepad++ for everything I do. The features notepad++ offers is incredible and the quality of the coding environment is outstanding imho.
There is nothing more lame than to use an editor that you have to use the scrollbar and scroll for half a minute to find your function, that is the root of all evil and ineffectiveness. A good editor MUST have basic features that allows quick and efficient editing.
I don't tend to like editors that try to automate my assembly, i want to be in full control of everything, that is why I don't use editors like WinASM, programs that mess with my code and want to do the assembling for me.
Notepad++ is a very nice hit in between all of that. It offers supreme editing features yet it allows me to have full control of what is important to assembly.
I prefer notepad++ and a commandline instead of an editor with an automatic "build" or "compile" button. Assembly programmers dont like automation, that is why we use assembly in the first place. It is a waste of time to put such features into the editor.
What is the purpose of implementing a feature that will automatically fill in a switch in your code, you save a few seconds and leave out a good bookmarking system, you lose 2 or 3 times the amount of time right there.
Time saved -> using automatic switch (10 seconds)
Time wasted with a lack of bookmark system (probably an overall of hours in a full program development all combined)
It can be compared with trying to optimize the code before an initial loop instead of optimizing the loop itself. It is stupidity at peak level. :bdg
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 03:05:30 PM
I don't tend to like editors that try to automate my assembly, i want to be in full control of everything, that is why I don't use editors like WinASM, programs that mess with my code and want to do the assembling for me.
Reminds me of this quote:
"Editors are like girlfriends, everyone's taste is different"
He he...
Sure is. But taste is a matter of knowledge. A man who thinks his taste is better than another person and really believe that, he is lacking knowledge of efficiency. People are still adapting and able to learn new "taste".
It is a matter of knowledge. If you say "I like this BECAUSE", after the because line comes a line of reasons. Those reasons are subject to debate and is a question of knowledge.
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 03:05:30 PM
I have never tried RichMasm. I use notepad++ for everything I do. The features notepad++ offers is incredible and the quality of the coding environment is outstanding imho.
Many features indeed, impressing. How can I mark a single word in
bold like in this phrase?
Quote from: jj2007 on September 13, 2010, 09:09:23 PM
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 03:05:30 PM
I have never tried RichMasm. I use notepad++ for everything I do. The features notepad++ offers is incredible and the quality of the coding environment is outstanding imho.
Many features indeed, impressing. How can I mark a single word in bold like in this phrase?
Try adding the word you want to make bold into the list of words that belong to your language in the theme settings and then choosing font settings for that word. You could probably make a custom list of words. I have not tried that yet, never saw the need to do that.
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 09:25:29 PM
Quote from: jj2007 on September 13, 2010, 09:09:23 PM
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 03:05:30 PM
I have never tried RichMasm. I use notepad++ for everything I do. The features notepad++ offers is incredible and the quality of the coding environment is outstanding imho.
Many features indeed, impressing. How can I mark a single word in bold like in this phrase?
Try adding the word you want to make bold into the list of words that belong to your language in the theme settings and then choosing font settings for that word. You could probably make a custom list of words. I have not tried that yet, never saw the need to do that.
That sounds complicated. I select the word and press Control B. Like Tmx wrote, "everyone's taste is different" :bg
Every editor has its up and downsides. There is probably not something you cannot deal with by customizing a few hotkeys. I don't even know if it exist already, because I havent used such a function, my words are already being properly highlighted and formatted for my use.
Can RichMasm split windows so that you can work with several windows? This is possible in notepad, you can rotate the splitted windows to vertical or horizontal. It's very useful with bookmarks combined with split windows, you can use one part to stay in your data section and a different part in the code somewhere. If you need to go to any functions, you simply press F2 and it will scroll through bookmarks.
Do you need to fix tab characters, no problem. Select text and press shift tab and then tab to how many places you want. Want to put in space characters to simulate the tabs, no problem either. You can choose tab size too ofcourse.
Notepad++ also have customizable linemarkers with optional transparancy, you can also customize the cursor to what size you want. The linemarkers is really useful for quick hint where you are located in the file.
Other features like macro capability is also included.
Do you have two or more files opened in two different tabs and want to compare if the source files are equal, no problem, press CTRL D and a popup window says if the files are equal or not. If they are uneven you will be given a graphical representation and all lines of text that is not even will be noticeable so you can quickly identify the differences.
All hotkeys are customizable from the menu. Need to hide lines of text, simply select the text section and press Alt + H, then two blue arrow keys will show up in the left section where the hidden text is. It is useful to narrow down the code. As you continue to analyze foreign code, you study some pieces, then hide it as you need to narrow it down.
Need to google a word in your code, no problem. select the word and press Alt + F2 it will automatically google the word for you in your browser.
There are so many things in this editor, I am barely scratching the surface of the possibilities in this editor. It is one big editor.
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 11:10:48 PM
Every editor has its up and downsides. There is probably not something you cannot deal with by customizing a few hotkeys. I don't even know if it exist already, because I havent used such a function, my words are already being properly highlighted and formatted for my use.
I like formatting critical pieces of code individually.
QuoteCan RichMasm split windows so that you can work with several windows?
Well, kind of: Select some lines of code and press Control F12. They will appear on top of the current window with a different background. It is exactly for the purpose you mentioned: Being able to see a piece of the data section while you are in the code section where those variables are being used.
QuoteNeed to google a word in your code, no problem. select the word and press Alt + F2 it will automatically google the word for you in your browser.
If you select, for example, ExitProcess in RichMasm, pressing F1 will launch directly the Win32.hlp page (if present in the help folder), but on the "Help" menu you will also find Google.
QuoteThere are so many things in this editor, I am barely scratching the surface of the possibilities in this editor. It is one big editor.
Notepad++ is surely a professional and mature product. I am hooked on the individual formatting, otherwise I would consider using it. There are a bit too many features that I would definitely never use, though.
Quote from: jj2007 on September 13, 2010, 11:48:47 PM
Quote from: zemtex on September 13, 2010, 11:10:48 PM
Every editor has its up and downsides. There is probably not something you cannot deal with by customizing a few hotkeys. I don't even know if it exist already, because I havent used such a function, my words are already being properly highlighted and formatted for my use.
I like formatting critical pieces of code individually.
QuoteCan RichMasm split windows so that you can work with several windows?
Well, kind of: Select some lines of code and press Control F12. They will appear on top of the current window with a different background. It is exactly for the purpose you mentioned: Being able to see a piece of the data section while you are in the code section where those variables are being used.
QuoteNeed to google a word in your code, no problem. select the word and press Alt + F2 it will automatically google the word for you in your browser.
If you select, for example, ExitProcess in RichMasm, pressing F1 will launch directly the Win32.hlp page (if present in the help folder), but on the "Help" menu you will also find Google.
QuoteThere are so many things in this editor, I am barely scratching the surface of the possibilities in this editor. It is one big editor.
Notepad++ is surely a professional and mature product. I am hooked on the individual formatting, otherwise I would consider using it. There are a bit too many features that I would definitely never use, though.
It's probably worth looking at it, I won't be totally ignorant. But chances are I will probably flee straight back to notepad++ again. It's an evil to go from editor to editor, once you have learned all its features and hotkeys (at least the most frequent used) it is not "healthy" to jump from editor to editor. Thank god, many editors follow windows standards so many use similar hotkeys and menu placements.
My Colleagues are very excited about notepad++, but when i see the time it takes to load, my stomach turns,.... The same reason because at my job i have to use Visual Studio i started loving Easy Code for it's no crap, fast GUI... Even I've gotten used with certain VS features I'm missing in Easy Code(build events, macros,...),... Now i enjoy programming again at home,...
An ex colleague was very excited about topgun because of it's Superior speed in searching text,...
But when i have to jump from one IDE to another or from one project to another 5 times a day, and have to wait every time a couple of minutes for it to load, I'm heading for a breakdown :D
There is still EDIT for windows users, oh right, it isn't anymore -> http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7programs/thread/93dd1288-b67e-4913-85fd-841d857040a7
I'm not familiar with slow load times of notepad++. I use two western digital velociraptor disks in raid 0 perhaps thats why. It just pops up immediately when i click the icon.
Quote from: zemtex on September 14, 2010, 08:34:26 PM
I'm not familiar with slow load times of notepad++. I use two western digital velociraptor disks in raid 0 perhaps thats why. It just pops up immediately when i click the icon.
For me it's two seconds on first load, one second on second etc load. Not a big deal.
Will we see an update of the MASM32 library in future that will incorporate some of the algo's tested over say the last 12 months? I'll admit that at times the testing of algos, while impressive, leaves me confused as to which ones to implement. There are a lot of string related algos: comparing, searching, length, zeroing etc, that all have merits. Tbh i like the idea of a library that is updated and incorporates the best (best is hard to qualify of course, best in terms of speed, size or something in between?) of them.
Quote from: fearless on December 20, 2010, 04:09:11 PMspeed, size or something in between?
Lamps, of course ;-)
Hutch seems a bit conservative on this topic, and rightly so: Many algos have not been extensively tested, and may present problems under not so obvious conditions.
Another question to discuss is the introduction of SSE2 algos. They are a lot faster, but some old hardware would drop out...
i am sure he's working on it :bg
updating this thing is a bit of a monster, with the advent of win 7
and - i guess he has something going on for 64-bit, too - i can imagine what a mess that is
unfortunately, the masm32 package isn't his only thing in life - lol
last i knew, he was doing some remodeling
he has hardware toys to play with
and, the crocodiles in the outback demand his time :bdg
we can either have frequently updated libraries, or an administrator that has a social life
i guess the latter is best
you can, however, put some of the new algos into your own library for use
you may not always want to alter the masm32 libraries, as it may make you incompatible with other members
it does tend to be a workload issue, at times you can get something useful from the lab algo testing but often you end up with a pile of incompatible inconclusive results. Anything of late that gets added to the library must pass exhaustive testing as I have been caught in the past with contributed algos that broke in some contexts.
RE: The use of SSE, its a problem of the higher you go, the less people can use it. I would prefer to see an SSE library where the end user knows what is required to run it but the masm32 library is intentionally backwards compatible with integer and FP instructions only.
well - i think if the programmer wants SSE - they can implement it on a per-install basis or something, replacing the existing algos as required
compatibility is nice to have and a program only requires selected algos to be super-fast
Quote from: hutch-- on December 20, 2010, 08:46:01 PM
RE: The use of SSE, its a problem of the higher you go, the less people can use it. I would prefer to see an SSE library where the end user knows what is required to run it but the masm32 library is intentionally backwards compatible with integer and FP instructions only.
When will we can see SSE library in package ??
When you feel like writing one and documenting it for each processor.
Does anyone know if hutch posts updated versions of the masm package or if he leaves it untouched until a new version package is released? I have my masm10 for a while and was wondering if it would be about time to download it again.
Thanks and bests
Quote from: hutch-- on January 04, 2011, 09:55:16 PM
When you feel like writing one and documenting it for each processor.
I think that programmers team make masm32. You are right - work alone is hard.