win2003 server;masm32v9;Pspad Editor;
i>After i open the Find or Replace dialog,the dialog will hang up.[not hang out^_^]
ii>i cannot use Key-Accelerators.[solved]
3> I modified this post by zipping the code.And the newest code here:
[attachment deleted by admin]
Assembles over here, and I can see the menus, but they have no effect, so I cannot test the replace dialog.
Suggestion: use a debugging macro like sns ("show me a number and a string"), or go for Olly
snsFlag dd ?
snsBuf dd 5 dup (?)
sns MACRO macnum:REQ, macstr:=<Debug>
.if snsFlag!=IDCANCEL
invoke dwtoa, macnum, addr snsBuf
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr snsBuf, reparg(macstr), MB_OKCANCEL
mov snsFlag, eax
I used Olly,and it turns out that
I> the LoadAccelerators and TranslateAccelerator works well,But i cannot get it work well.
the Key-Accelerator doese not work.
II>the FindText and ReplaceText function return right,but it does not work well too.
please remove the [color=red] [/color]
then the Find Dialog should take effects.
However,the Replace Dialog cannot take effect at the time.But could u take a look on the Find Dialog.
And after add this two lines to the _Replace proc.
mov stFR.lpstrFindWhat,offset szFindWhat
mov stFR.wFindWhatLen,80
the Replace Dialog will turn out,so as the problem
Anyway,thank you.
A few clues (I'm afraid it doesn't solve all your problems, but it's a start :P)
ICO_MAIN = 100
IDA_MAIN = 100
IDM_MAIN = 100
each resource should have its own identifier!
if you say "load resource 100" -- which one gets loaded??
you need to actually dispatch the message, even if it's an accelerator
.while TRUE
invoke GetMessage,addr @stMsg,hWinMain,0,0
.break .if eax==0
;invoke IsDialogMessage,hFindText,addr @stMsg
;.if eax==0
invoke TranslateAccelerator,hWinMain,hAccTable,addr @stMsg
.if eax==0
invoke TranslateMessage,addr @stMsg
invoke DispatchMessage,addr @stMsg
try adding the following into _WndProc to solve your focus problems
.elseif uMsg==WM_SETFOCUS
invoke SetFocus,hEdit
P.S. zip your code up and attach it, rather than posting it (make it easier for others to help you) :wink
1>Finally I have solved the Key-Accelerator problem,actually I recalled that i had made the same mistake the other day.-_-
according to MSDN:[TranslateAccelerator]
To differentiate the message that this function sends from messages sent by menus or controls, the high-order word of the wParam parameter of the WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND message contains the value 1.
So in the _WndProc I modify the code as follows
.if uMsg==WM_COMMAND
mov eax,wParam
and eax,0000FFFFh
2>Then,we can see that
Upstairs is wrong.
i>the Accelerator and Menu and Icon Identifier can be the same,just becuase they aren't the same type resource.
ii>we donot need to Dispatch the Message,because the TranslateAccelerator will not return until Processed[send the WM_COMMAND to hWinMain] .
3>Anyway Thanks for your advice,and i will zip the code next time. :green
After testing for 3 days,I finally failed to Figure out why the Find Dialog hang-up.
I have checked the code[_Find] and the code is even the same as in my another program.
But this one failed and the other one works well.
Hope somebody can help me.Thx.
and newest code here
[attachment deleted by admin]
I tried my luck but no clue, sorry. What strikes me, though, is the way the main window reacts:
- If you do not do anything with the find dialog, the main window reacts fine and closes with one click on the X.
- If you try typing something into the find dialog, the main window reacts only after a few clicks, as if messages got eaten.
Good luck :thumbu
To jj2007 thx.
But in my computer,the find-dialog box cannot be close by click on the X.
And i find one interesting thing that
If i add one MessageBox in the _FindProc as follows:
_Find proc
invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset stFR,sizeof FINDREPLACE
mov stFR.lStructSize,sizeof FINDREPLACE
push hWinMain
pop stFR.hwndOwner
mov stFR.Flags,FR_DOWN
mov stFR.lpstrFindWhat,offset szBuffer
mov stFR.wFindWhatLen,sizeof szBuffer
invoke FindText,offset stFR
mov hFindText,eax
invoke MessageBox,0,0,0,0
_Find endp
the Find Dialog would work well before i close the MessageBox. :dazzled:
Quote from: gxm on May 16, 2008, 02:09:09 AM
To jj2007 thx.
But in my computer,the find-dialog box cannot be close by click on the X.
I meant the main dialog, which remains operational (find is modeless), but seems to swallow some messages meant for the find dialog.
Quote from: gxm on May 15, 2008, 02:10:46 PM
After testing for 3 days,I finally failed to Figure out why the Find Dialog hang-up.
I have checked the code[_Find] and the code is even the same as in my another program.
But this one failed and the other one works well.
Hope somebody can help me.Thx.
and newest code here
Hi gxm,
I'm studying your source code and try to debug it, and I'm glad to tell you that now I know what's your problem :U
The FindText API function will create the
modeless "find dialog", this means that the function will return immediately to your source code, and remember that
messages to modeless dialog come through your program's message queue, so don't pass the main window's handle to function GetMessage, instead pass the NULL value so that your messages pump will processl messages of any window that belongs to the calling thread.
Quoteinvoke GetMessage,addr @stMsg,hWinMain,0,0
should be replaced by
Quoteinvoke GetMessage,addr @stMsg,NULL,0,0
PS: sorry for my poor English skill
To jj2007:sorry,i misread your reply
To Neo85:really thx.i have made a silly mistake,er...I should not...
My contribution ("modeless") was very small but nonetheless this was true teamwork :U
Thanks, I learnt again something very useful.
thx to all of you. :U