Can someone give me some tips on creating a Help screen please. I don't need Context Help or anything fancy like that. I've just got a dialog box app. with a 'help' button - which when pushed I want a single screen to appear with a couple of paragraphs of help.
I've wasted lots of hours looking in all the wrong places...
In an earlier app. I took a screen dump of a textfile, but that method had several problems. There must be some simple way?? I don't know what Resource Strings are used for -- can't find any info on them -- but perhaps that's how it's done?
If it is really only a few paragraphs, have you tried the simple MessageBox?
I suppose I could use a messagebox, but was hoping that there was something a bit more sophisticated than that. So that I don't have to hard code the c/r & l/fs -- and able to edit easily until it's right. Surely there must be some way of cutting & pasting from a text document?? (Was easy enough in DOS, I seem to remember.)
You can also create a child window with a label containing your text.
But I would create a M$ help file, which you can open from your prog. If I remember right, you only have to make a html file with your help text. This file you can compile with a free available chm compiler from M$.
I'd go for a dialog with an edit control inset.
If you make the edit read-only, and maybe remove the border style too, it generally works pretty well.
Just wm_settext the contents on creation. And the contents can either be hard-coded, or loaded from a file.