i want to print the result of 400+700 by using loop but the problem is how i determain Determining the number of CX in loob look
to my program but i can't use Loop
mov cx,0
mov bx,x
add bx,y
call subs ;dx=110
mov y,bx
mov bx,dx
call subs ; dx=11
mov x,bx
mov bx,dx
call subs ; dx=1
mov ah,2h
call print
mov dx,bx
call print
mov dx,x
call print
mov dx,y
call print
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
subs proc near
mov dx,0
inc cx
z: sub bx,10
inc dx
cmp bx,9
jg z
subs endp
print proc near
add dx,30h
int 21h
print endp
and i nedd a procedure print the result wich i can use it in all my program
It's not easy to get the _top_ decimal digit, and then the next smallest, and so on. But it is easy to get the bottom digit first, because DIV puts a remainder in dx.
(MASM 5.1 for DOS)ASSUME cs:code,ds:code,ss:stack
code segment
x dw 400
y dw 700
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,10
mov ax,x
add ax,y
call printax
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
mov dx,0
div cx
add dl,"0"
push dx ;save each digit on the stack
cmp ax,0
je short startprinting ;when there are no more digits, print them in the opposite order
call printax
pop dx
mov ah,2
int 21h
code ENDS
stack segment para stack 'stack'
db 100h dup (?)
stack ends
Thank you very much Larry Hammick :U
and i have a quation can i save each digit in a TAble instead the stack?