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Project Support Forums => MASM32 => WINDOWS.INC Project => Topic started by: petrik on July 29, 2007, 06:44:11 PM

Title: poasm errors with 1.4
Post by: petrik on July 29, 2007, 06:44:11 PM
Although I have been registered on the MASM Forum for some time, this is my very first posting.
Using your new 1.4 I have recently been testing out POASM with a basic dialog box program. 1.4 threw up 2 errors, one of which was easily fixed by replacing an 'align dword' statement.
The second error was "...\ error:Redefinition of symbol 'GUID'".
I notice that in 1.4 there is a statement 'IID equ <GUID>' (the IID structure being defined in
I have tried commenting out this statement but this just throws up more assembly errors.
I have tried the same program build using 1.33 with the same error.
Not being an expert by any stretch of the imagination I am unsure what to do.
I would be very grateful for any suggestions.
Many thanks.