does anybody know a way to use OpenGL in a dialog instead of a usual window ?
Or isn't it possible ? I don't remember having seen that.
What I'm interested in is to get rid of the capture bar.
Or is there any other way to show only the rendering window ?
Thanks :)
Yes, there is a way.
Create a custom control that will display the openGL window. Then include that control in your dialog.
Just trying out the furum with this here old-post.
If you want modeless, SDL rocks.
For free software (no LGPL license), OpenGLUT works great via
Plus GLUT GameMode seems fastest overall.
But check out how fast SDL opens a window.. HOW??
Because I'm too lazy.
Hows that for optimized. :)
I removed the post with the large image. Please do not post stuff like this as it opens the door for everyone to do it.
can you use imageshack.us or similar and repost the link please, i'm curious to see it