:lol Is there an FAQ anywhere for MASM32 on this site? These days just about everything has an FAQ of some sort. Of course MASM isn't from these days. Maybe someone should think about trying to write one! Just an idea, you know... I'm sure there are tons of FAQs that need frequently answered around here, a good example (or bad example depending on how you look at it) being 'Where is the 16-bit linker?' Other examples include 'Where is the manual?', 'What are all the commands for MASM32?', 'I'm a n00b, where do I start?' etc. etc. I'm sure you people who have been here for years know which questions are asked most frequently. I don't see why every new person who comes here should have to search through all the past forum posts to find the answers or use Google. That's why each one ends up posting questions here over and over again.
All that needs to be done is a big list of FAQs need to be compiled into a logical and easy to search through order, and then for each one a full and clear answer needs to be written. Ideally based on the many answers that have been made in the past. Put it up there with the introduction and the forum rules; you'll never see a stupid question asked again. Everyone reads FAQs before e-mailing people for answers or posting on forums, as long as the FAQ is easy to find, and they know it exists. Ideally, you would mention it in a welcoming message to read the Introduction, Rules of the Forum and FAQ before doing anything else.
Seems a sensible idea to me. Unfortunately, I will not be able to help you with this much personally...
Well, Good Luck, hutch & Co, if you choose to accept this extra work. It ought to pay off though in the long run.
Jason :8)
You can get the 16bit linker here (http://website.masm32.com/microsoft/Lnk563.exe).
Hi, Janson!
I would say that most of the questions a "nOOb" can ask were already posted here and they got an answer. So if you are a "nOOb" (as I am), I think the forum <Search> can do the job.
Nick. A "nOOb" :)
I know, that's the whole point of an FAQ, the questions have already been asked and answered loads of times. Just makes it easier to find the answers and prevent future askings of the questions.
@PBrennick :lol I already know where the 16-bit linker is, and I don't intend on using it either... :8)
You know why this will not happen? Because P1 (wich I think has a major word in every decision around here) would have to modify this:
Quote from P1 :)
The forum 'Search' and your favorite search engine will answer many questions before we can and save you time. :dance:
with this
Eventually future quote from P1 :) :)
The forum 'FAQ' and your favorite search engine will answer many questions before we can and save you time. :dance:
Greets, P1! Just kidding!! :lol :lol :lol :lol