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Miscellaneous Forums => 16 bit DOS Programming => Topic started by: daydreamer on September 15, 2006, 06:15:47 AM

Title: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 15, 2006, 06:15:47 AM
is there a smoother way to code than rcr/adc/sbc combination for vectorgraphics ala appleshapes, where 3 bits represent a position and 2 first is move in x and y and third if plot or not?
   .model tiny
      mov   ah,0
      int   16h
    mode13 MACRO
    mov ax,013h
    int 10h
    mov ax,0A000h
    mov es,ax
;map db 32000 dup (?)
ad dw ?
finc REAL4 ?
angle1 REAL4 ?
angle2 REAL4 ?
xm REAL4 ?
ym REAL4 ?
xf2 REAL4 ?
yf2 REAL4 ?

    shape db 15
     mov ax,09000h ;setup an area to render 256x256
     mov ds,ax
     xor ax,ax
     mov cx,32768
     xor bx,bx
@@lcls:    mov [bx],ax ;clear that area
     inc bx
     inc bx
     dec cx
     jne @@lcls
     ;testrender a line, bh=y, bl=x
     mov si,0101h
     mov bx,08080h
     mov cx,8
     mov al,shape
     @@l1: mov [bx],si
          rcr al,1 ;if set add 1 to x
          adc bl,0
          rcr al,1 ;if set add 1 to y
          adc bh,0
          rcr al,1 ;if set plot a pixel else just move cursor
          jc @@l2
          mov [bx],si

;copy to screen
     mov di,32
     xor si,si
     mov dx,200
    @@lc1: mov cx,256
           dec cx
           jne @@lc2
           add di,64
           dec dx
           jne @@lc1

Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: sinsi on September 15, 2006, 07:17:34 AM
Maybe unpack the thing into bytes first? Is this a file format or yours?
Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 15, 2006, 07:55:43 AM
Quote from: sinsi on September 15, 2006, 07:17:34 AM
Maybe unpack the thing into bytes first? Is this a file format or yours?
you need to unpack it anyway and I want the final result be sizelimited to for example 256b
but maybe use TEST followed by conditional code would be better?or if someone else has a better way?

I want to use a really compressed vectorformat and later change it to work in 3d also, so I digged up how apple II shapes works it can contain 3 vectors in each byte

Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: zooba on September 15, 2006, 11:45:14 AM
TEST/Jcc probably won't provide any advantage, since you'll still need to shift and add. Though of course the only way to tell for certain is to try it.

Possibly a different format will provide some optimisations, storing a vector in 3 bits (which incidentally is only 2.67 vectors per byte - you'll be missing the on/off bit of the third) can certainly be inefficient in some cases. Consider the case of 2 dots - one at (0,0) and the other at (10,0). The shape for that would be written (in binary, X Y On/Off from left to right):

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
0b, 01100100b, 10010010b, 01001001b, 00100101b
00h, 64h, 92h, 49h, 25h

Unless I've misinterpreted how it works, that's 5 bytes for two dots. Decide (and tell us  :toothy) whether you need to worry about code size/speed or data size. If the data needs to be really small, consider having encoded commands (such as, pen on/off, move to, etc.). If the code needs to be really small you can't go past a simple bitmap (which will of course make each shape/image huge).

Hope this helps,

Zooba :U
Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 15, 2006, 01:05:36 PM
Quote from: zooba on September 15, 2006, 11:45:14 AM
TEST/Jcc probably won't provide any advantage, since you'll still need to shift and add. Though of course the only way to tell for certain is to try it.

Possibly a different format will provide some optimisations, storing a vector in 3 bits (which incidentally is only 2.67 vectors per byte - you'll be missing the on/off bit of the third) can certainly be inefficient in some cases. Consider the case of 2 dots - one at (0,0) and the other at (10,0). The shape for that would be written (in binary, X Y On/Off from left to right):

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
0b, 01100100b, 10010010b, 01001001b, 00100101b
00h, 64h, 92h, 49h, 25h

Unless I've misinterpreted how it works, that's 5 bytes for two dots. Decide (and tell us  :toothy) whether you need to worry about code size/speed or data size. If the data needs to be really small, consider having encoded commands (such as, pen on/off, move to, etc.). If the code needs to be really small you can't go past a simple bitmap (which will of course make each shape/image huge).

Hope this helps,

Zooba :U
originally you had scale and rotate shapes, so you implement scale x10 and only use 3 bits instead of 5 bytes

my plans was making the original format work first and after that a format which has 16 or 32 xdeltabits followed by 16 or 32 ydeltabits and didnt know where to place plot/noplot bits
thanks to you now I think I implement a 3rd datatype which is commands/runlength for penon/penoff, mirroron/off etc, so its always two bits until next command
I want both code/data be minimum size, but mostly data because I was thinking squeeze in few k polys in minimum size

Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 15, 2006, 04:38:08 PM
I am clueless, why dont my code work carry on carry to adc's? but tests work?
I tried various shifts and add eax,eax now
it handles 32bit at a time now
but it only generates a single pixel, data is dword with all 1's which generates a diagonal line if I use tests

mov dl,0Fh
     mov bx,08080h
     mov cx,32
     mov eax,shape
        mov [bx],dl
          test eax,1
          jc @@l3
          ;adc bl,1
          add eax,eax ;if set add 1 to x
          adc bl,0
          test eax,1
          jc @@l4
          ;adc bh,1
          add eax,eax ;if set add 1 to y
          adc bh,0
          ;rcr eax,1 ;if set plot a pixel else just move cursor
          ;jc @@l2
          mov [bx],dl
          dec cx
          jne @@l1

Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: MichaelW on September 17, 2006, 07:38:43 AM
If I understand how this is supposed to work, not having the ability to specify a sign for the deltas will severely limit the type of curves/shapes that can be generated. And for generating curves, in most cases only small deltas would be required.

Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 18, 2006, 01:40:44 PM
Michael, was going to add code for sub later, its either up/down movement and left/right movement

here is how original worked, now add a function to mirror a shape and you only need half amount of vectors, separate on/off bits to a separate data and you only need 2bits/vector in a case when you draw all the time
Title: Re: appleshapes
Post by: daydreamer on September 20, 2006, 11:28:39 PM
what about this solution:

xcoord db 128
ycoord db 128
xor si,si
@@l2: xor di,di
mov al,[shape+si]
mov cx,8
add ax,ax ;must use ax instead of al to contain all 8 bits
@@l1:push ax
and ax,2 ;either zero or 2
dec ax ;either -1 or 1
add [xcoord+di],al
pop ax
sar ax,1
inc di
and di,1 ;alternate between 0 and 1 = alternate between point to xcoord and ycoord
dec cx
jne @@l1
inc si
cmp si,length
jne @@l2