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Project Support Forums => MASM32 => Topic started by: Lavoc on July 10, 2006, 12:41:05 PM

Title: Error on 'INCLUDE' Files??
Post by: Lavoc on July 10, 2006, 12:41:05 PM
Hello everyone!  :U

I'm new in ASM. i have learn ASM about couple of month ago..

I already installed MASM32 v9 in my PC.
The location is D:\masm32\.

My problem is, when I compile a code that contain a windows API it will come up a message like this:

fatal error A1000: cannot open file :

I already put the '' file in 'Include' folder but still not working.

can someone show me how to solve this problem?

I'm using WinXP SP2 with Intel P4 1.5Ghz.
Title: Re: Error on 'INCLUDE' Files??
Post by: ToutEnMasm on July 14, 2006, 01:46:07 PM

This can be only one error in path.

the correct path is   "include D:\masm32\include\"

You can use "include \masm32\include\" only if your sources are located in d:.
If they are in c: ,use the full path.