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General Forums => The Campus => Topic started by: MattVonFat on March 14, 2006, 05:55:31 PM

Title: Setting variables
Post by: MattVonFat on March 14, 2006, 05:55:31 PM

I'm new to assember but I have programmed in different languages before. My question is, hopefully, very simple. Do I have to put all the strings I plan to use in the data section?

I wanted a MessageBox to display either 'True' or 'False' depending on whether a function returned (I've been trying to get some resource thing working in every language I know so I wanted to see if it worked in assembler) and I tried having an empty string stored in the data? section and setting it to either True or False in an If statement. I tried:
mov BoxText, "True" and
push "True"
pop BoxText

But neither of them work. (I also tried using '=' because it was late at night and I slipped back in to my old ways  ::))

Is there a way of doing this or do I have to declare variables that hold True and False and use them?


Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: asmfan on March 14, 2006, 06:12:07 PM
no you dont, because there are .const, .data, .code sections to put any data (the first and last only for reading) besides you can use resources to hold the readable data including strings.
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: AsmER on March 14, 2006, 06:15:16 PM

In assembler, you must put all your data (strings, constants etc) in special section called .data or .data? if they are not initialised.
So your "true" and "false" strings should be defined in .data like follows:
True     BYTE   "True",0
False     BYTE   "False",0

All text variables must be ended with NULL sign in Windows (if you want MessageBox to show only the text which you want to show).
If you are c++ programmer, I know what you think now - why MessageBox,0,"Hi there", "My App", MB_OK doesn't work. But you must face at true, c++ compiler always putting all variables in one place (section) of program and exchange them in function calling with they addresses, now you can do it yourself :toothy.
Welcome in masm32 forum & good luck :U

;If I said something wrong, please correct me immediately
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: asmfan on March 14, 2006, 06:28:46 PM
AsmER said it right, except the word "must" i would say CAN. with assembly you can do anything that hardware allows, even storing your data in a .code section;) if you want of course. there is nothing impossible because "there is no spoon";)
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: Mark Jones on March 14, 2006, 06:44:06 PM
Quote from: MattVonFat on March 14, 2006, 05:55:31 PM
    mov BoxText, "True"
    push "True"
    pop BoxText

Hello Matthew and welcome. I believe you're thinking a little too high-level here. To actually display a string such as "True" and "False" in MASM32, it does require the strings to be pre-defined. As others have said this is accomplished easily:

    szFalse    db    "False",0
    szTrue     db    "True",0

The .DATA directive tells MASM that the items following are INITALIZED data elements, which means they are stored inside the executable file as linear data bytes. This is what you want so you can access them at run-time. You can't put these variables in the .DATA? section because that section is for UNINITIALIZED data - which means anything defined in there is not saved in the file. The .DATA? section is used primarily for things like temporary strings and buffers and whatnot - stuff that doesn't have to be preset with any data when the file is ran.

If you'd like to pop up a messagebox with the word "Pass" or "Fail" in it, try tinkering with this:

include    ; all the standard compile-time libraries

    szFalse    db    "False",0       ; the ",0" appends a NULL to the string
    szTrue     db    "True",0        ; which is necessary to meet ASCII specs.
    szTitle    db    "Condition:",0  ; messagebox title string

    invoke MessageBox,0,addr szTrue,addr szTitle,MB_OK
    invoke MessageBox,0,addr szFalse,addr szTitle,MB_OK
    invoke ExitProcess,0
end start

That said, the ASMINTRO.HLP file included with MASM32 has a lot of really good info in it. Take a peek there and check out the \examples and \icztutes folders for lots more good stuff. Take care and have fun! :bg
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: AsmER on March 14, 2006, 06:47:19 PM
Yes variables can be even in .code section but programmer must take care, to don't let proccessor read them as an instruction. i.e:
jmp AfterData
My_data   db   "....."
END start

call  QuitProcedure
MyData   db "..."   ;it can be here because program will be ended at previous line

Quote...there is nothing impossible because "there is no spoon";)
- I like that :bg. asmfan cheers for correction.

Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: Tedd on March 14, 2006, 07:13:39 PM
[a simple straightforward answer :toothy]

The way strings are actually used is that you store them all in the data section and then 'point' to the one you want.
This is exactly what happens in 'higher' languages, but it's done magically for you.

So, for showing true or false you have two options..

Firstly, your strings go in the data section (sorry, not much choice there :bdg)

yep    db "True",0
nope   db "False",0

And then you can either choose which messagebox to show depending on your outcome:
call mymagicfunction
.IF (eax)
    invoke MessageBox, NULL,ADDR yep,ADDR blah,MB_OK
    invoke MessageBox, NULL,ADDR nope,ADDR blah,MB_OK

..or, you can get the pointer for the required string and then print the one you end up pointing to:
call mymagicfunction
.IF (eax)
    mov ecx,OFFSET yep
    mov ecx,OFFSET nope
invoke MessageBox, NULL,ecx,ADDR blah,MB_OK

(equally, you could store the pointer in some variable instead of ecx.)
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: MattVonFat on March 14, 2006, 09:03:19 PM
Thanks for all the help on this!

I edited the program and it worked perfectly!

Thanks again,

Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: hutch-- on March 14, 2006, 09:46:20 PM

There is an even simpler way once you understand how the string data is stored in an assembler EXE file. MASM32 has a reasonable number of macros (masm is a macro assembler) and these are designed to make simple tasks simple to perform.

The "fn" macro allows you to do this.

fn MessageBox,hWnd,"Hi, I am a message box","Info",MB_OK

All it does is place quoted text directly into the .DATA section and when you know a bit more about assembler, all of the source for both the library and the macros are available for you to read.
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: ChrisLeslie on March 14, 2006, 09:57:25 PM
By including the packaged predefined macros you can do this for example:

call mymagicfunction
   invoke MessageBox, NULL,SADD("Yep"),SADD("Message"),MB_OK
   invoke MessageBox, NULL,SADD("Nope"),SADD("Message"),MB_OK

That effectively does what I think you want, but the SADD macro itself eventually uses a .data section, you just don't see it.

Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: dsouza123 on March 14, 2006, 11:29:25 PM
Yet another way. 
A very short lookup table with the answer string determined by the result of the function.
If your function returns only 0 or 1 for results, or can be transformed to the range by using AND,
with the result in the eax register (a fairly standard convention) this will work.
0 in eax will map to False, 1 to True.
The answer will be padded with 2 or 3 trailing spaces.

  szAnswer  db "False  ",0
            db "True   ",0
  szCaption db "MessageBox Caption",0

  invoke Somefunction         ;  and eax, 1    ; Optional, this will transform the result to a value of 0 or 1
  lea ecx, dword ptr [szAnswer + eax*8]
  invoke MessageBox,0,ecx,addr szCaption,MB_OK
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: dsouza123 on March 14, 2006, 11:59:38 PM
A minor alteration removes the trailing padding spaces.
The trick is to have each answer take 8 bytes, including a 0 byte to zero terminate each string.

  szAnswer  db "False", 0,0,0
            db "True",0,0,0,0

There is another option a which involves a list of strings
and an array of pointers to the strings.
It will also use the calculation method using results of 0,1,2 (for 3 strings).

  szNo      db "No",0
  szYes     db "Yes",0
  szMaybe   db "Maybe",0
  pStrTable dd szNo,szYes,szMaybe

  invoke Somefunction
  mov ecx, [pStrTable + eax*4]
  invoke MessageBox,0,ecx,addr szCaption,MB_OK
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: Tedd on March 15, 2006, 12:13:03 PM
There's nothing like complicating matters :green

What this post proves is that there's more than one (fifty!!) way(s) to do something.
Also, that when you ask a bunch of asmers a simple question, they will tell you the fifty ways of doing it.

Anyway, if in doubt - keep it simple, stupid :toothy
Title: Re: Setting variables
Post by: MattVonFat on March 15, 2006, 03:34:38 PM
Wow, so many choices :eek. I think i'll take Tedd's advice and stay simple for now and just declare separate variables for each string myself. Although dsouza123's method seems the most fun!

Thanks everyone,