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General Forums => The Campus => Topic started by: juancabot on November 02, 2005, 03:19:11 PM

Title: Conversion data display!!
Post by: juancabot on November 02, 2005, 03:19:11 PM

With the follow code:

    mov str1, input("Enter a number : ")
    mov var1, sval(str1)

convert the result to a signed integer

the question is: which is the instruction for converting str1 in letters of the alphabet? which is the code??

Thank you
Title: Re: Conversion data display!!
Post by: ToutEnMasm on November 02, 2005, 05:19:35 PM
Have a look in the help files,\masm32\HELP\MASMLIB.HLP.
The  Conversions functions give the answer,one sample:

invoke dwtoa,Number,addr buffer.
It's not granted to do exactly what you want,but there is  other's functions and you have the source in C:\masm32\M32LIB\ATODW.ASM
