When incorporating non-HLA code, I sometimes use #asm ... #endasm blocks with the code simply copied. Unfortunately, I cannot access HLA variables from within the "MASM" sections noting know the compile time variable name, so I have to use broken blocks, with repeated #asm...#endasm
Is it possible to access HLA variables from within the #asm block without having to switch back out frequently? Thanks.
You have to declare them @external
program testvar;
#include ("w.hhf")
stext :string; @external;
stext :string := "Test string";
caption :string; @external;
caption :string := "Test Message Box";
begin testvar;
; fasm syntax, masm may vary
push dword 0
push [caption]
push [stext]
push dword 0
call dword [__imp__MessageBoxA@16]
end testvar;
edit: some more info on the @external.
Using @external forces HLA to use the supplied variable name as-is.
These 2 lines force "variable" to be a global label
variable : dword; @external
variable :dword;
You can also supply your own "global" label (in case of any conflicts).
The following line forces "__variable4__" as a global label representing "variable"
variable: dword; @external ("__variable4__");
variable: dword;
Please illustrate further, eg. variable testflag, apart from Windows external.
Well, in the example above, the 'stext' and 'caption' varaibles are "local" labels forced as @external so that the low level assembler can recognize them.
Here's another example:
Suppose you want a static variable called "testflag" (size dword) to be visible both in HLA and MASM (.data section).
// define the label as MASM will see it
testflag :dword; @external;
// allocate storage for this label
// so that both HLA and MASM can access it
testflag :dword;
... in your program:
; fasm syntax
mov eax, testflag ; load eax with address of testflag
mov ebx, [testflag] ; load ebx with value of testflag
I believe in MASM that would be...
; masm syntax... not sure if correct
mov eax, addr testflag
mov ebx, testflag
If you have multiple units, it's best to put all the @external declarations in a common header file.
The same is true for any arbitrary label in your program:
program testlabel;
#include ("stdlib.hhf")
// define an external label that the low level assembler can access
label jumpTo; @external;
begin testlabel;
jmp jumpTo
stdout.put ("you'll never see me",nl);
stdout.put ("you'll see me", nl);
end testlabel;
Quote from: V Coder on October 03, 2005, 05:32:54 PM
When incorporating non-HLA code, I sometimes use #asm ... #endasm blocks with the code simply copied. Unfortunately, I cannot access HLA variables from within the "MASM" sections noting know the compile time variable name, so I have to use broken blocks, with repeated #asm...#endasm
Is it possible to access HLA variables from within the #asm block without having to switch back out frequently? Thanks.
Yes, though it's ugly. See the following link:
Randy Hyde