hi to all masmer's,
well i ned ur help again
i m trying to make a COM file butt b4 tht i need an exe file and MASM32 is not creating that exe file .
showing LINK error LINK2001:unresolved symbol.
here goes the code:
ORG 100h
mov ah,2
mov dl,5ah
int 21h
int 20h
I moved the post to the 16 bit DOS forum so you would get more answers. The Workshop is for 32 bit code.
EXE2BIN is not necessary for the more recent 16-bit linkers. For the 16-bit linker available here:
You can create a COM file with these command lines:
ML /c filename.asm
LINK16 /tiny filename.obj, filename.com;
The "filename.com" in the exefile field is not absolutely necessary, but it allows you to avoid the warning:
LINK : warning L4045: name of output file is 'filename.com'
Your code does not specify a start address of 100h, so the linker returns:
LINK : warning L4055: start address not equal to 0x100 for /TINY
Setting the value of the location counter with the ORG directive does not set the start address. You should add a label immediately before or after the ORG directive and add the label name to the END directive.
org 100h
end start
hi michael,
thanx for response.Acc. to your advice i downloaded LINK563 from icezlon's site but it is still not working.Do i need to download 1 bit linker ?
does MASM32 not support 16bit programs.
and ML.exe link16 will b available where?
are they come with Visual studio?
and thanx for clearing start address funda
well michael i got ml.exe in MASM32 -bin subdir and compiled at console successfully but LINK16 was not recognized.
what to do with it?
I'm not sure what you are doing. The download file LNK563.EXE is a self-extracting archive that contains the 16-bit linker and several other files. The 16-bit linker and the 32-bit linker have the same name, LINK.EXE, so if you extract the archive into the MASM32\bin directory the 32-bit linker will be overwritten. I normally place all of my 16-bit code in a separate directory along with the 16-bit linker renamed to LINK16.EXE (to avoid confusion), and copies of ML.EXE and ML.ERR from the MASM32\bin directory, and assemble and link with batch files.
hi Michael,
i have assembledthe program as per ur instruction.
i m describing the event in the order of assembling:
1. assembled the prog in MASM32
output : ASM1.asm
2. link obj file using link generated
by selfextracting lnk563
but fatal error L1101 : invalid object module.
I am attaching the dos screen for the detail analysis. http://geocities.com/rvglove/asm1.zip
i have recently started to work on C interface with assembly using STEVE HOLZNeR's book
but i could not able to even run a single and first program .
help me.
Just my 2 cents;
Quoteoutput : ASM1.asm
is not correct, the output should be asm1.obj
Please attach your entire project so Michael can help you better...
i have reattached asm1.asm file and also asm1.obj file.
and ur right pbrrenick assemble produces obj code of mnemonics that was my mistake.
thanks .
u can catch it or debug it as over this link:
Using this batch file:
ML /c asm1.asm
LINK16 /tiny asm1.obj,asm1.com;
Your code assembles and links without error. When executed it displays a 'Z' and then terminates. I added the final pause command so I could see the program output, and the '.echo' so the pause command would display on the next line.
:dance: Atleast i m up to second prog of the book.
I m feeling much lucky to be part of this forum ,"MASMFORUM"=="MYFORUM"
It's working now.
well wait ..........
U see now i will keep u busy ....... :bdg
hehe :8)
EXE Overlap loader (EXE to BIN/COM)
Using EXE2KN.EXE -> Can do any exe file
This the large and huge model well! floated in order to use the relocation loader like that, it converts. To insert a relocation loader in the front portion where the conversion wears out previous report actually and it is to do as a favor a relocation from execution point of view.