hutch can you add the long overdue ntdll.lib/inc to next masm? i've attached them both.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Excellent work Webring, i made a start on NTDLL.INC for my own stuff some time ago but never finished it!
Thank you sir!
I have downloaded the inc and lib files and the include file looks OK so far. It is not a published interface from Microsoft so while its useful to have around, it is not part of te Windows API function set. I ned to know what calling convention is used with the internal functions. Currently they default to STDCALL under MASM32. For copyright reasons I ned to know wo owns both the include and library.
I have been watching this topic to see if there has been an answer to the copyright question. So far, it has been 2 weeks and I see no answer. Does this remain as an issue? Or did you get a PM type response?
Are we mentioning about the same attachment?
Some of those are defined in the winternl.h file of the Windows SDK, and documented too.
But where could i find information on those which are not documented in the latest SDK?
perhaps Windows DDK, or WINE (Windows Emulator) source code..or mailing list
Hey vortex, yes its the same attachment.Petroizki you can find a list of some undocumented nt functions on I've got a book on them, and got them from various other sites. I'll look for links for you. Also Microsoft themselves starting not to be so hush hush about them and have some documented in win api sdk. Hutch the calling convention is indeed STDCALL for all functions i've tried, and if you're asking me I did purchase a copy of windows xp ddk, so I own ntdll.lib and I made the inc.
Quote from: Webring on August 11, 2005, 10:23:08 AM
...I did purchase a copy of windows xp ddk, so I own ntdll.lib...
Are you sure you OWN it? Sorry for being pedantic. :toothy
i'm not even going to answer that
Hey guys. As you know i always appreciatte your help and, i am again. Does anyone know of the existance of a hlp file outside DDK that makes refference to ntdll?
Thanks guys
Best regards.... xandaz
book: Gary Nebbett - Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference
not documentation (well it is if you can read what you need from headers); the best source of undocumented stuff in one place:
No _wcsicmp.