Hello guys... me again :P
I want know how "cut" a bitmap...
for example i have this image:
I know use the bitblt function but I want "cut" 64x64 and store the handle in a DWORD variable for use later...
but i do know not how do it... please, could tell me which function API should use.
hey thnaks u very much in advance
1. create two compatible DCs: SrcDC and DestDC
2. create or load source-bitmap and select it in SrcDC
3. create a compatible bitmap (64x64) and select it in DestDC
4. Copy (BitBlt) the corresponding region from the SrcDC to DestDC.
5. goto to 3 until all sub-bitmaps are copied.
Common lifetime of GDI objects:
(0. create DC)
1. create object
2. hOrgObj= SelectObject(DC,object)
3. do stuff with DC
4. DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC,hOrgObj))
(5. delete DC)
Do you have a copy of the platform SDK ?
If so, search for GDI functions: BITMAPS.
If not, here is a link:
thanks Word, I tried with this:
mov eax,uMsg
invoke GetDlgItem,hWin,1001
mov hstatic,eax ; get handle to static control
invoke GetDC,hstatic ; get hanlde device context
mov hDC,eax
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,hDC
mov srcDC,eax
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,hDC
mov desDC,eax
invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,123 ; 123 = bitmap ID
mov hbitmap,eax
invoke SelectObject,srcDC,hbitmap
invoke BitBlt,desDC,32,32,0,0,srcDC,0,0,SRCCOPY
invoke DeleteObject,desDC ; is right?
invoke DeleteObject,srcDC ; is right?
invoke DeleteDC,hDC ; is right?
I have one static control ( final destiny ), and created two HDC ( src ad destiny ) but i do not work, What do I failed?
yeah, I looked the SDK examples but, they are complex :S
see attachment
well, thanks but I do not know how to use the extensions
I'm just learning x86 :P
what extensions ?
that is x86 :P
but is different no? :P
I do not understand :(
qWord always writes good code :U
he is using a lot of macros, indentation, and if/else/endif/while/endw structures
i hate that stuff - but - even i can read his code :P
look up the "rv" and "fn" macros
they are in \masm32\macros\macros.asm
and they are described in \masm32\help\hlhelp.chm
it might help to disassemble the program
then, follow the disassembled code while reading the source
here is the disassembly file...
ok, good idea :) thanks dedndave u always help me, thanks a lot
also thanks qWord.
one thing... this code "cut" the bitmap? I looked that only draws the bitmap : P
dis extension... haha guys why they put rare things ( for me ) :( haha - ok I have to investiger :P
Quote from: RHL on April 13, 2012, 12:59:05 AM
dis extension... haha guys why they put rare things ( for me ) :( haha - ok I have to investiger :P
Drag it over notepad :wink
I prefer to use Notepad2 by Florian ..... It recognizes most assembly Formats :U
you could Also recode documents and asm's that are in other languages and than use Google translate to translate them :wink
Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on April 13, 2012, 11:16:30 PM
you could Also recode documents and asm's that are in other languages and than use Google translate to translate them :wink
Good idea :U I have a 700k Basic source, will see if Google translate can port it to Masm :toothy
Notepad2 looks ok, but I am always surprised how different views are what constitutes a good editor. For example, my recent files list has 20 entries - N2 does not even have one; and no bookmarks, and apparently (?) no F1 that opens to Win32.hlp etc... on the other hands, it has settings for long lines, and the wndow title display can be configured ::)
Quote from: jj2007 on April 14, 2012, 06:07:53 AM
Notepad2 looks ok, but I am always surprised how different views are what constitutes a good editor. For example, my recent files list has 20 entries - N2 does not even have one; and no bookmarks, and apparently (?) no F1 that opens to Win32.hlp etc... on the other hands, it has settings for long lines, and the wndow title display can be configured ::)
Sorry to digress from the main topic but ...
You have to enable the setting in Notepad2 to save recent files; Settings > Remember Recent Files.
On another note, from personal experience I would like to suggest the following:
* Notepad2 as notepad replacement (extremely light-weight. It would not be really suitable for the F1 > win32hlp thing that you are looking for)
* Programmers Notepad 2 (pnotepad.org) (This is more what you might be looking for)
* HxD for the occasional hex editing that you might need! :green2
also, NotePad++ has more damn features than i can use in a life-time :lol
Quote from: jj2007 on April 14, 2012, 06:07:53 AM
Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on April 13, 2012, 11:16:30 PM
you could Also recode documents and asm's that are in other languages and than use Google translate to translate them :wink
Good idea :U I have a 700k Basic source, will see if Google translate can port it to Masm :toothy
Notepad2 looks ok, but I am always surprised how different views are what constitutes a good editor. For example, my recent files list has 20 entries - N2 does not even have one; and no bookmarks, and apparently (?) no F1 that opens to Win32.hlp etc... on the other hands, it has settings for long lines, and the wndow title display can be configured ::)
google translate will waste no time in telling you that it's too big :P
Quote from: Shantanu Gadgil on April 14, 2012, 01:45:55 PM
You have to enable the setting in Notepad2 to save recent files; Settings > Remember Recent Files.
Greyed out in the version that was attached above.
* Notepad2 as notepad replacement (extremely light-weight. It would not be really suitable for the F1 > win32hlp thing that you are looking for)
632k=12*RichMasm (http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=9044.0)- the latter is really light-weight although it
does include the F1 thing :bg
i have been playing with loading a transparent PNG strip and splitting it up :P
not as easy as it should be - lol
anyways, it dawned on me that they don't need to be PNG's, nor split up
64x64 icons under XP....
let me owner-draw the last box, then i'll post some code :bg
thanks a lot dedndave, for teaching :toothy
dave, the file is damage :P
EDIT: this is the png file right? :]
it is a PNG file - save it, then remove the .ZIP extension by renaming the file :P
Quotethanks a lot dedndave, for teaching
i am learning, too :U
i am not getting what i want out of the owner-draw thing :(
INVOKE GetDlgItem,hWnd,IDC_STC5 ;ebx
mov hStatic5,eax
INVOKE CreateSolidBrush,000000FFh ;COLORREF = red
mov hBrush5, eax
then, during WM_DRAWITEM...
mov edx,lParam
;draw stuff here
INVOKE SelectObject,[edx].DRAWITEMSTRUCT.hdc,hBrush5
i will figure it out, tomorrow :P
in the mean time, i know you want to play, so i'll post what i have...
(this is a real ZIP file)
dave a question :D
always I like the way your programmed, I want mean, only the asm file, if depends exist also ( you do not use a IDE ) use.. notepad...? wft? notepad... lol
and for assembled a .bat file :D you do it? or exist a program for make it?
I will learn to no depend to a IDE, i like :D
well - i should have a little program to set up my projects, huh :U
but - i use Notepad to edit the batch file - using Find/Replace :P
the "if not exist" - i do that so if you are not in the right folder, it won't delete any files
as for IDE's...
i might learn to use Ketil's RadAsm and ResEd - it looks pretty nice :U
for now, i am still learning windows - lol
i came from the days of DOS
batch files did a lot of our work for us, back then - if you knew how to write them
if you just want a static control with a solid color (and text, perhaps)...
the easy way is to handle WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC
if you want to paint something more, we will have to do owner-drawn
Ive been looking through this code and other examples and trying to load part of bitmap image onto a static control so that i can use scroll bars to move up, down, left or right and view the bitmap inside this little viewport. Does anyone have any examples of this, i tried converting this example i found (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3175/Displaying-Bitmap-with-Scrolling) to asm but didnt get any success.
The code i do have is a complete mess, from trying various things, copy and pasting other code from other examples and trying out things, but without any success. Here is some of it, might help someone to do a proper conversion or point out where ive gone wrong. Thanks
LoadWorldMapBMP PROC
LOCAL rectStaticClient:RECT
; This basic example works, but image overflows the static control size, need to 'bound' it to our defined viewport (static control) size.
; Invoke LoadImage, NULL, Addr szWorldMapBMP, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE
; mov hWorldMapBmp, eax
; .IF eax != NULL
; Invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hWin, IDC_WORLDMAP, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, hWorldMapBmp
mov offsetx, 0
mov offsety, 0
mov sourcex, 0
mov sourcey, 0
Invoke LoadImage, NULL, Addr szWorldMapBMP, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE
mov m_hBmpNew, eax
.IF m_hBmpNew == NULL
PrintText 'Load Image Failed'
mov eax, FALSE
Invoke GetClientRect, m_hBmpNew, Addr rectStaticClient
mov eax, rectStaticClient.left
mov m_size.x, eax
mov eax, rectStaticClient.top
mov m_size.y, eax
Invoke ClientToScreen, m_hBmpNew, Addr m_size
Invoke ScreenToClient, m_hBmpNew, Addr m_size
mov eax, rectStaticClient.left
mov m_pt.x, eax
mov eax, rectStaticClient.top
mov m_pt.y, eax
Invoke GetObject, m_hBmpNew, SIZEOF BITMAP, Addr m_bmInfo
Invoke SelectObject, m_dcMem, m_hBmpNew
mov m_hBmpOld, eax
mov eax, m_pt.x
mov offsetx, eax
mov eax, m_pt.y
mov offsety, eax
mov eax, offsetx
add eax, m_size.x
Invoke MoveWindow, hVSCROLL, eax, offsety, 18, m_size.y, TRUE
mov eax, offsety
add eax, m_size.y
Invoke MoveWindow, hHSCROLL, offsetx, eax, m_size.x, 18, TRUE
mov horz.cbSize, SIZEOF SCROLLINFO
mov horz.fMask, SIF_ALL
mov horz.nMin, 0
mov eax, m_bmInfo.bmWidth
mov ebx, m_size.x
sub ebx, eax
mov horz.nMax, eax
mov horz.nPage, 0
mov horz.nPos, 0
mov horz.nTrackPos, 0
mov ebx, m_bmInfo.bmWidth
.IF ebx <= m_size.x
mov eax, m_size.x
sub eax, ebx
.IF eax == 0
mov eax, m_pt.x
mov offsetx, eax
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 2
div ecx
mov ebx, m_pt.x
add eax, ebx
mov offsetx, eax
mov ebx, m_bmInfo.bmWidth
add eax, ebx
Invoke MoveWindow, hVSCROLL, eax, offsety, 18, m_size.y, TRUE
Invoke ShowWindow, hHSCROLL, SW_HIDE
Invoke ShowWindow, hHSCROLL, SW_SHOW
Invoke SetScrollInfo, hHSCROLL, SB_CTL, Addr horz, TRUE
mov vert.cbSize, SIZEOF SCROLLINFO
mov vert.fMask, SIF_ALL
mov vert.nMin, 0
mov eax, m_bmInfo.bmHeight
mov ebx, m_size.y
sub ebx, eax
mov vert.nMax, eax
mov vert.nPage, 0
mov vert.nPos, 0
mov vert.nTrackPos, 0
mov ebx, m_bmInfo.bmHeight
.IF ebx <= m_size.y
mov eax, m_size.y
sub eax, ebx
.IF eax == 0
mov eax, m_pt.y
mov offsety, eax
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 2
div ecx
mov ebx, m_pt.x
add eax, ebx
mov offsety, eax
mov ebx, m_bmInfo.bmHeight
add eax, ebx
Invoke MoveWindow, hHSCROLL, offsetx, eax, m_size.x, 18, TRUE
Invoke ShowWindow, hVSCROLL, SW_HIDE
Invoke ShowWindow, hVSCROLL, SW_SHOW
Invoke SetScrollInfo, hVSCROLL, SB_CTL, Addr vert, TRUE
Invoke InvalidateRect, m_hBmpNew, Addr rectStaticClient, TRUE
LoadWorldMapBMP endp
i have never tried scrollbars inside a static :P
no need for it to be a static, either, i suppose - it could just be a window
let me play with what you have....
off hand, the advantage of using a static is that it would size itself to the bitmap
that doesn't seem desirable, in this case
Hi Dave,
My original plan was to allow for a map editor of sorts for baldurs gate games. If the main map is say a bmp and is easily loaded, i wanted an interface that allowed scrolling around the full extent of the bitmap within the window (or static control as i tried) but any solution that achieves the same result would be ace.
Once id got that far (which i havent :D) i thought i could create little static controls ontop of the map which would be points of interest, destinations or whatever. These could be clicked on to give properties that could be edited (in another side window or something like) and would show position (x, y on the map), name and other details and id also thought i could move these statics around as well (updating the internal files reference values for these places) with some sort of mousemove override. I thought to do a simple STM_SETIMAGE for these little map markers, could be little icons, or red squares or anything tbh that would allow an easy way to manipulate these items for the end user.
Anyhows, it looks like it was more difficult than i first thought. The basic load bmp and scroll it around has me stumped so far, let alone the other stuff. I suppose that putting the image in its own window with its own scrollbars allows the system to control the scrolling, so that might be a better solution and i could create a seperate window for the 'properties' thing later on.
Any ideas/solutions or whatever stuff you can come up would be great.
Quote from: qWord on April 12, 2012, 09:41:24 PM
see attachment
Hi I saw this thread and I remembered something that I was trying to do a while back ... http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?PHPSESSID=bbc80810adc7b9ae86e1d81de57aa675&topic=17303.msg145116#msg145116
I was trying to cut a bitmap so I can load it and scroll it ...is it possible to define each image in the data section?
i will play with it over the next few days
as for the little "markers", you could just make them buttons :P
only place the ones that are in full view
hide the others, or perhaps, create/destroy them as needed
i have some code that i use for scrolling a window that holds text
i use the same code for horz and vert scrolling
and - i have mousewheel code that works similarly
i have a couple questions...
what size is this little window (either with or without the scrollbars) ?
how big is the overall map bitmap ?
is the window sizable ?
i have never tried using my scroll code for an image - might be a fun project
there is an example in the last post on my thread .... http://cyberdoomsystems.narod.ru/ripp/about.rar
I am still working on that enumerate windows app.....almost there ::)
@hfheatherfox07, in the MASM32 directory there is a program called fda2 (if you don't have it, search the board), it will allow you to "embed" anything in the data section, you just then use something like BitmapFromMemory from the MASM Library.
@Dave and the OP, there is some source on the board that shows how to create a scrollable viewport (a plain window that scorlls), I will look for the source.
First one uses a dialog, the second one uses a "normal" window. I have used code from the second one, and it is not hard to use or modify.
That is not what will do it the fda will make a whole image into data but not cut a strip ...I don't think
you mean this here http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=937.0
I want to cut the bitmap strip and have each individual image In the data section so for example :
szScrollText db 'Welcome to MASM32, state of the art Windows assembler programming.',0Dh,0Ah
db 0Dh,0Ah ; puts a space !
db 0Dh,0Ah
db "Image1"
db 'Many remember assembler as a complex and tedious necessity when a high level',0Dh,0Ah
db "Image2"
db 'language failed to deliver in terms of capacity or performance yet it has always ',0Dh,0Ah
db "Image3"
db 'been capable of writing full size applications in elegant and efficient ways.',0Dh,0Ah
db 'MASM has the capacity to write proper modular code which becomes a necessity as',0Dh,0Ah
So I can scroll the text and image together
Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on April 15, 2012, 10:55:50 PM
szScrollText db 'Welcome to MASM32, state of the art Windows assembler programming.',0Dh,0Ah
db 0Dh,0Ah ; puts a space !
db 0Dh,0Ah
db "Image1"
db 'Many remember assembler as a complex and tedious necessity when a high level',0Dh,0Ah
db "Image2"
db 'language failed to deliver in terms of capacity or performance yet it has always ',0Dh,0Ah
db "Image3"
db 'been capable of writing full size applications in elegant and efficient ways.',0Dh,0Ah
db 'MASM has the capacity to write proper modular code which becomes a necessity as',0Dh,0Ah
So I can scroll the text and image together
you may try it with HTML :lol
Been playing with painting the image directly onto the window as per this thread (http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=18534.0)
Image size could be larger than the window, perhaps even larger than the monitor resolution. So i felt that i could create a small viewport to scroll about the bitmap in case it was large. So i suppose it could be variable, but the window to hold it could be set to a particular size. I have dummied up a quick idea of what i was planning in the attached image (mapeditor.jpg.zip - just rename to .jpg). But im happy if a solution is a child window inside a main window to do something similar.
I have some code in a radasm project (without the original bmp - its 3MB) which is attached as well, but i havnt got round to the scrolling part yet.
Quote from: qWord on April 12, 2012, 09:41:24 PM
see attachment
How do calculate to weather the bitmap is horizontal or vertical ?
I want to cut this
after you load the image (LoadImage, LoadBitmap), you can use GetObject to get the dimensions
is that what you mean ?
INVOKE GetObject,hbmpImage,sizeof BITMAP,addr bms
mov ecx,bms.bmWidth
mov eax,bms.bmHeight
Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on April 27, 2012, 08:47:21 PMHow do calculate to weather the bitmap is horizontal or vertical ?
you can't calculate this information - you must feed this information somehow into your program.
The function SplitHorz() from my example assumes that you are passing a horizontal strip of N images.
Oh I need to do a vertical LOL and get the handle for each part
; input: hBitmap = image-strip
; ny = height of sub-image
; return: eax = pointer to handle array (use hfree-macro for deletion)
; or zero, if fail.
; ecx = number of handels
; LOWORD(edx) = bitmap width , HIGHWORD(edx) = bitmap height
SplitVert proc uses edi esi ebx hBitmap:HBITMAP,ny:DWORD
;/* get bitmap width and height */
.if rv(GetObject,hBitmap,SIZEOF bmp,ADDR bmp)
;/* calcualte number of sub-images */
xor edx,edx
mov eax,bmp.bmHeight
mov ecx,ny
div ecx
.if eax
mov n,eax
lea eax,[eax*4]
mov edi,halloc(eax) ; allocate handle-array
;/* create DCs */
mov hDC,rv(GetDC,rv(GetDesktopWindow)) ; reference-DC
mov hSrcDC,rv(CreateCompatibleDC,hDC)
mov hDestDC,rv(CreateCompatibleDC,hDC)
;/* select bitmap and save privious */
mov hBmpOrg1,rv(SelectObject,hSrcDC,hBitmap)
xor esi,esi
xor ebx,ebx
.while esi < n
;/* create bitmap and select it into DC. Also save privious handle */
mov hBmpOrg2,rv(SelectObject,hDestDC,rv(CreateCompatibleBitmap,hDC,bmp.bmWidth,ny))
;/* copy image */
invoke BitBlt,hDestDC,0,0,bmp.bmWidth,ny,hSrcDC,0,ebx,SRCCOPY
;/* reload orginal bitmap and save the returned one */
mov [edi+esi*4],rv(SelectObject,hDestDC,hBmpOrg2)
add esi,1
add ebx,ny
invoke ReleaseDC,rv(GetDesktopWindow),hDC
;/* restore orginal bitmaps and delete the created one */
invoke DeleteObject,rv(SelectObject,hSrcDC,hBmpOrg1)
;/* delete DCs */
invoke DeleteDC,hSrcDC
invoke DeleteDC,hDestDC
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,bmp.bmHeight
mov edx,bmp.bmHeight
shl edx,16
mov dx,cx
mov ecx,n
SplitVert endp
I don't get it .... I took the first example that you had and change the WHITE_BRUSH to BLACK_BRUSH and it looks like the bitmap strip is not being cut ....what I wanted to do way to see only the button with the "Glow" no background !
SO I can use it for buttons ...but I really do not get your code ...how do I get the handle for each of the images ....?
Like himage1,himage2,himage3 if for example the strip has three images .....
I included an Windows 7 Areo button example that I made .... that is what I want the buttons for