Just saw some news footage on the tornado in Dallas. I have seen big things thrown around before but the way it picked up a truck and threw it hundreds of yards is something I have never seen before.
i was driving through oklahoma city once - stopped on the side of the road for a sandwich
to the north was a very large open field - sparsely populated with a couple trailers (caravans)
in the time it took to eat the sandwich, a tornado came through there and spread one of the trailers across a distant woodline
everything they owned was up in the trees
hope noone was home !
when i was a kid - my hometown of Owosso, Michigan was hit several times
once, it hit the high school while we were in class
it tore the side of the school off
only injuries - a few kids had minor cuts from flying glass
i'll never forget the teacher of the class i was in at the time - world history
Mrs. Fuchs told us to get under our desks - we all looked at her and shrugged
that desk is just one more thing to hit you as it flies by - lol
of course - she had a bigger desk :P
We are lucky in OZ, we do get tornados but they occur out in the desert. On the down side we get cyclones up north that are really something. One recently hit the Kimberly's in northern West OZ. The more recent ones have been driven by the monsoon season and deliver all of the advantages of high winds (200 mph +), pissing rain and subsequent flooding. On the bright side after a couple of years of flooding from the southern oscillation, its moving back across the Pacific so the inland up north will change from floods to drought.