Hello! I want to understand how I can protect my program against crackers. I know that the most popular actions in my situation is using some packer-programs like UPX. But I know that UPX and similar programmes cann't give effective protection.
Can you answer for a few questions? I want to know where I can read interesting and useful information by my theme.
1. Why it's so easy to hack protection which has been made by UPX?
2. Which programmes can give more effective protection?
3. I know that I can use assembler code in my program to protect code against debuggers. For example:
push f; //save flags (and TF too)
pop EAX;//pop all flags in the EAX
and EAX, 100h; //single out flag TF
jnz label_Exit;//if TF is equal 1, our program is debugging
Where I can find about more effective methods?
4. And the last, the most significant for me question. Where I can find some interesting and NEWEST information? I tryied to find it in presentations from B**** H** 2011 but I didn't find information about my theme. Help me, please.I want to find the NEWEST methods of protection. And I don't want to find some ready program. I want to find some algorithm or some presentation from conference like B**** H** (or other).
But as I understand I can't find any information about programmes protection on B*** H** because this conference is devoted for h**** methodics.
1. upx is a packer, not a protector and its source is easily available (google... or look a the upx site..)
2. vmprotect, armadillo... theres many out there
3. that code is for detection of single stepping, for others try searching 'anti-debug' here or on google
4. google....
1) First learn how to create something that would deserve protection
2) There are other forums for such questions