Here is a simple Masm32 example that sits at the center-top of your screen which displays your available free RAM. This little tool is always on top so it can be seen at all times. Shows you how to round a region, how to create a dragable windowless title bar and how to retrieve and display your systems available free RAM using a timer. I've tested it on both Win 7 and XP.
Or it can be downloaded from my site link below.
very cool little box :U
i can use that to test my code, too :P
Hi Dave, I had a somewhat boring Sunday so I had me some alcohol then started playing around with coding and that little FreeMem utility is what happened. I really don't remember doing it but today I checked it over and it looks OK so I decided to post it for others to play with. :bg
QuoteI really don't remember doing it...
i hate it when i do that - lol
it must be a sign that you are a true nerd :U
Great example Bill. Thanks
Cute indeed, Bill - thanks a lot :U
Thanks guys, it's not a bad effort considering I was in a drunken state. :bg
Works with Windows 2000. Nice one. Windows 98 did
not like it.
Steve N.
Great ! :U
Hi Bill,
Nice tool. FYI there is a great little function in the SHLWAPI library that will do the bytes to KB/MB/GB/TB conversion for you.
StrFormatByteSize64 (
Takes the headache out of doing all the conversions. (note that though the docs don't say it it does do TB conversions)
Thanks Edgar, that's yet another of the many I have yet to discover. :bg