I tried to applied it to IntelApp to Fund the project. Im trying to make an alternative for my people for their health. So they can consult it to the doctor. Consulting only cost 30 cent here. And I hope this software helped the Doctor too. But more important is, my live should be helped too.
Just eat healthy food and drink good amount of water - you'll be OK :wink
Quote from: vanjast on December 14, 2011, 06:13:19 PM
Just eat healthy food and drink good amount of water - you'll be OK :wink
Well, Im just hoping it will help, I'll reconsider to implement face recognition on this. But, not now.
Also, I forget, it will not cheap,right? :cheekygreen: There is no way programmers would be a hardworker labor, we'll be bonafide :cheekygreen:.
Im still waiting Intels Approvals, and I better contact MS headquarters too. Come one anyone, if we become a rival the price would be halved, we better teamed up.
Quote from: Farabi on October 08, 2011, 09:44:56 AM
Test analisis ekspresi wajah.
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should change his nic to "Zippy" :eek
Quote from: dedndave on December 17, 2011, 01:08:34 AM
Farabi's new avatar...
should change his nic to "Zippy" :eek
Haha, what is zippy mean? Yea, I should said that, yow whazzap?