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General Forums => The Workshop => Topic started by: Dillon on April 26, 2011, 10:47:26 PM

Title: Using HLA and RADASM in WIN7 environment
Post by: Dillon on April 26, 2011, 10:47:26 PM
This was originally posted in the HLA forum but it was probably the wrong place. So I moved here -- Dillon

Has anyone successfully installed and run either HLA or RADASM under Windoze 7?  I have installed both and neither will compile any of the examples.  I installed these about two weeks ago and it seems to me that I had problems installing the DLL fiiles on one or both packages but I dont remember now. 

I am considering uninstalling both and trying again.. Comments, suggestions please

Title: Re: Using HLA and RADASM in WIN7 environment
Post by: Astro on April 27, 2011, 02:55:41 AM

I presume UAC is disabled?

What is the status of DEP?

Best regards,
Title: Re: Using HLA and RADASM in WIN7 environment
Post by: dedndave on April 27, 2011, 03:40:12 AM
win 7 32-bit or 64-bit ?
Title: Re: Using HLA and RADASM in WIN7 environment
Post by: Druesukker on April 27, 2011, 03:36:48 PM

I have recently installed radASM with HLA.

Download the IDE pack (932K) ,
RadASM programming pack (943K) and
RadASM programming pack (1000K)

Then dowload the zip file from this page

Then go ahead and extract the last file (hla-patch) you downloaded and place it inside a folder called: radasm
You should place the radasm folder inside the ...\hla folder. Place the patch file into the ...\hla directory.

Then go ahead and extract the 3 zip/rar files you have downloaded from the radASM homepage.
place the contents from the IDE pack (932K) in the radasm folder and accept replacing the files.

then copy the contents from the
RadASM programming packs inside the ...hla\radasm folder
Important! Do not replace the AddIns folder when you copy the files from the programming packs
Copy the files from the AddIns folders in the programming packs into the ..hla\radasm\AddIns  folder.

Just copy the other contents from the programming packs into the .hla\radasm folder.

Now go ahead and run the pacth wich will setup your inviroment variables for you.

When you have opened radASM you should click on Options -> Programming languages
and then add the ..hla\radasm\hla.ini file.

Now you are good to go and you should read this tutorial to learn to setup makefiles:

I prefer using my own setup to notepad++ though. You can get it from this site if you want:

I hope it will work for you :)