He hasn't been active in many months, I hope he hasn't abandoned GoASM, i've just about converted all of MASM32 code to GoASM 64bit for direct or static lib use, and am converting lot of my own code, i'd hate to get stuck on a bug and Jeremy never to return again :\ His sites dead too, sigh.
I see that his last activity was February 5, 2010. I was going to check on a file update and Jeremy's GoAsm/GoTools website is gone.
the latest versions I have are
if you have later let me know.
Oh, damn, I hope he posts.
Or maybe if he won't continue goasm, he could post the sources ? :8)
he's spent years and years on GoASM, I highly doubt he'll ever release source :) and that's understandable, but IMO GoASM is so close to being perfect that I hope he doesn't stop now.
I still have GoAsm version
Jeremy is currently busy arranging his move to Australia and may be for some time yet. Last we talked he was still busy working on runtime conditionals and that was presenting some issues that will take time to work out, he did not give me a time line for completion of this major upgrade for GoAsm but rest assured that he is still supporting the package and improving it, though because of various issues has been pretty much silent lately.
Good news :8)
Hi everyone
Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while - it was not my intention to do that but I got rather overwhelmed with a few things and I am back, perhaps not yet as ubiquitous as before but enough to keep everything going I hope!
Subject to thorough checking tomorrow, the www.GoDevTool.com (http://www.godevtool.com) website is back up (the jorgon.freeserve host having disappeared - but that url was never intended as a permanent one). I've now included GoDevTool within my commercial site GoProg which will continue as long as my direct debit goes through the bank!
As for the Go tools source code, it is my long term intention to release this. I have not done so solely out of concern to maintain standards - if there is a scheme which will achieve that successfully then I would be interested in it!
Hey Jeremy, glad to hear from you again, the more I use GoASM the more I love it, minus a few things, all of which i've managed to or will achieve with the preprocessor, it's perfect(like writing a 32bit and 64bit version is tedious hehe) autoconversion is much nicer. as far as you releasing source, that'd be awesome but is up to you, you really worked hard on this thing and i'm just glad to be able to use it.
Hi, Jeremy!
Glad to see you back! :bg
Hi Jeremy,
Welcome back :U
Welcome back ! :cheekygreen:
Welcome back Jeremy!