; Template for DOS .com file
.model tiny
code segment
org 100h
; ...Put your code here...
; exit to DOS
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
above is the RadAsm Template and mostly used structure and i am using below structure what is the difference please tell
; a program to add three numbers using memory variables
[org 0x0100]
mov ax, [num1] ; load first number in ax Computer Architecture & Assembly Language Programming Course Code: CS401
mov bx, [num2] ; load second number in bx
add ax, bx ; accumulate sum in ax
mov bx, [num3] ; load third number in bx
add ax, bx ; accumulate sum in ax
mov [num4], ax ; store sum in num4
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21
num1: dw 5
num2: dw 10
num3: dw 15
num4: dw 0
hi again :bg
.COM files are 16-bit only - they cannot be made for win32
although, they can be run under any 16-bit or 32-bit windows operating system
to link 16-bit code, you need to use a different linker
you can download a 16-bit linker and place it in the masm32\bin folder
also, i have attached a batch file for assembling 16-bit programs using that linker
place the unzipped batch file in masm32\bin also
then, you can assemble from the command line...
a16 MyProg
oh - by the way
for 16-bit questions, we have a special subforum
scroll down to the list of subforums
The RadAsm template is written for MASM style assemblers.
Note the .MODEL and END directives and the hexadecimal numbers
end with an H.
The other program is written for a different assembler. Note
the missing END directive the different ORG directive format and
the hex number format is different.
Given the x86 isn't a Load-Store architecture the following would be more efficient
mov ax, [num1] ; load first number in ax
add ax, [num2] ; add second number into ax
add ax, [num3] ; add third number into ax
mov [num4], ax ; store sum in num4
hi Clive
he is just starting out
trying to get a program assembled and step through it with a debugger (i think)
i remember, back in the 16-bit days, things were so much simpler :bg
i think, as far as IBM PCs, i started out much the same way
except i just had the debugger - lol
with a little practice, you can actually write a program with it
Indeed, but having multiple examples of how to do the same thing is also instructive. The x86 isn't an accumulator locked instruction set like say the 6502 or Z80 (A 8-bit/HL,IX,IY 16-bit), but it can't do memory-to-memory in the manner the 68000 could. And it is not a load store, like say ARM or MIPS, which can only load/store registers, and performs all logic/math operations register-to-register.
Quote from: dedndave
with a little practice, you can actually write a program with it
Yes, DDT, SID, DEBUG could be used to input and save assembler. It was also significantly cheaper than buying an assembler, and they came with the system so it could be readily used in the field, so you could fix/patch things. I've also entered stuff with switches and paper tape, but I don't think that is a useful skill today.
This uses the simplified segment directives:
.model tiny
Specifying tiny in the memory model field of the .model directive tells the assembler to create a .COM program. The .data directive opens a data segment. Define your data (memory variables) between the .data and .code directives. The .code directive closes the data segment and opens a code segment. For a tiny memory model the .startup directive effectively generates an org 100h statement. This tells the assembler that the offset addresses in the program should start at 100h, to match the offset address where the program will be loaded at runtime. The .exit directive generates the sequence:
mov ah, 04Ch
int 021h
You should place your code between the .startup and .exit directives. For a .COM program the linker combines the code and data segments into a single segment, placing the code first (at the lower addresses) and the data last. For the assembler a minimal command line would be:
ML /c filename.asm
And for the linker:
LINK16 /tiny filename.obj;
First of all A jumbo Big, dinosaur big Thanks :U
all of you for taking time to a newbie and
your attachment really helped me
and this time my special thanks to " MichaelW "
by the way i have IBM PC assembly Language and Programming Book and Art of assembly if any one want to make
a suggestion It also Help me
:cheekygreen: :cheekygreen: :cheekygreen: :boohoo: :boohoo: