Hi there,
I have an assemble error but I have no idea why ... maybe all you experienced programmer can help me ... With below's code, I got the error "cannot use 16-bit register with a 32-bit address" on the last line. I am trying to copy the data from Array[] to AX register.
Help !!!
Array dw 25, 169, 144, 9, 49, 144
Count dw 0
lea BX, Array
mov SI, Count
add SI, SI
inc Count
mov AX, [BX][SI]
Added code tags
The error message means just what it says. For 32-bit code addresses are 32-bit values, so indirect memory operands must use 32-bit registers. This code will assemble without error:
lea EBX, Array
movzx ESI, Count
add ESI, ESI
inc Count
mov AX, [EBX][ESI]
But in 32-bit code it would make more sense to define Count as a DWORD, and probably also Array. And since in 32-bit code indirect memory operands can include a scaling factor (of 1, 2, 4, or 8) you can avoid having to scale ESI separately. So the code could then be:
lea EBX, Array
mov ESI, Count
inc Count
mov EAX, [EBX+ESI*4]
Thanx ... but is there a way to keep my code in 16-bit instead of 32-bit ...
Quote from: m7xtuf on February 11, 2010, 12:30:46 AM
Thanx ... but is there a way to keep my code in 16-bit instead of 32-bit ...
Use the 16-bit linker, and check out the 16-bit subfourm. More specifically, use the small (or tiny) model directive. Also, if you are more interesting in learning than producing code, things like emu8086 offer easy ways to get started.