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Project Support Forums => MASM32 => Topic started by: Larry Hammick on December 03, 2009, 07:22:25 PM

Title: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: Larry Hammick on December 03, 2009, 07:22:25 PM
user32.dll does have a function called wsprintfW, and it's prototyped in, but it seems to be missing from the symbol library user32.lib. Or maybe it's in the newer MASM32 release? TIA. For the moment I'm using wvsprintfW instead (porting a C program).
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: Vortex on December 03, 2009, 07:27:35 PM
This function is prototyped in the latest Masm32 package V10, :

USER32_INC equ <1>

IFNDEF _wininc_
  wsprintfA PROTO C :VARARG
  wsprintf equ <wsprintfA>
  wsprintfW PROTO C :VARARG
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: MichaelW on December 03, 2009, 09:25:02 PM
wsprintfW is missing from the MASM32 v9 user32 import library (dated March 11, 2006), but present in the MASM32 v10 user32 import library (dated September 07, 2008).
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: UtillMasm on December 04, 2009, 03:00:45 AM
upgrade and user32.lib to newer versionafter modify 'C:\MASM32\Include\' file:

delete 'C:\MASM32\Lib\user32.lib'
cd 'C:\MASM32\Include'
move 'C:\MASM32\Include\user32.lib' to 'C:\MASM32\Lib'
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: UtillMasm on December 04, 2009, 03:18:35 AM
C:\MASM32\Include\bldlibs.bat@echo off
rem ...
inc2l.exe resource.h
rem ...
inc2l.exe inc2l.exe
rem ...
inc2l.exe bldlibs.bat
rem ...

is these bugs?
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: Larry Hammick on December 04, 2009, 05:46:01 AM
I brought in the new user32.lib and it works fine now. Thx all.
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: UtillMasm on February 10, 2010, 07:21:23 AM
c:\masm32\include\ PROTO c :dword,:vararg
wsprintf equ <wsprintfA>

c:\masm32\include\ PROTO c :vararg
wsprintf equ <wsprintfA>
wsprintfW PROTO c :vararg
Title: Re: wsprintfW missing from user32.lib
Post by: hutch-- on February 10, 2010, 07:53:49 AM

The current version is 10.