Where can I find more info about how resources are stored in PE executables? I want the format specification. I searched for "PE Resource Format" with no results
I know there is a document on PE resource floating around but it just describe how is the resources arranged but not abt the data for each resources. I do vaguely remember coding something on that, if you want I can dig it out for you. But I still think the best is the resource editor by Ewayne.
Hi Thomas,
Wotsit's Format is a very usefull site where you can find technical information about the win32 resource format:
You can download both of these zip files mentioned below:
Win32 Resource File Format [Marco Cocco]
Windows Resource (.RES) Files [Ray Lischner]
Ooops :)
Thomas, this document can be more usefull:
By LUEVELSMEYER. An excellent PE tutorial with source codes in C.
Going to Wotsit was what I first did. I downloaded the RES file format specs. I got some docs on "PE Resource directory" and its format using google. I would like to change the resources of a file programmatically as BeginUpdateResource etc. functions are not available in win98. BTW whats the difference b/w icon and Group icon? I know donkey has an example of extracting Icons from files and saving them as icons. I will look at that
Hi Thomas,
To access those resource functions in Win 9x, you need to download the
Microsoft Unicode LayerQuotePlatform Software Development Kit Redistributable: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95, 98, and Me Systems, 1.1.3790.0
But the unicows.dll itself is 253 kB and it is a pain in the a** to distribute it with every program. The prog won't work if someone doesn't have the dll. No what I want is to learn more about how they store everything. I found a good example at wotsit itself in the Windows files section. Earlier I had looked only in the graphics files section. I saw an example from donkey on exracting icon resources and saving them as files in the old forum. I will make my own proc to do that. In the meanwhile any help is welcome.
[EDIT] The other link was not allowed due to hotlinking or something
In this page see the ICO link
Thomas :U
http://www.wotsit.org/ has banned your link for some reason. I tried both IE and K-Meleon and got the same result.
The working link is in my other post. They don;t seem to allow Hotlinking of files... See the ICO link in that page
Thomas :U
Thank you, Thomas.
Interesting article about resource format:
The resource format for EXE files is basically the same as for RES files, so this might work as a starting point: