Looking for the rules to name variables, etc.
And understand what variables are doing by reading their names.
I googled < api assembly naming conventions >
but still no fast usable result.
trying to understand the purpose of the variables in the win32api helpfile,
Hungarian notation is insufficient and seems also a bit out of date.
does anyone know a link to a clear explanation?
there are many others - just google "Hungarian notation"
can you give an example that isn't documented in those places ?
it may be helpful to understand that the conventions were born in a world of C programmers
i.e. C coding documentation may be a good place to look
Also, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa378932%28VS.85%29.aspx
i did some poking around and found this one...
a little better - lol
Thanks, Tedd, dedndave,
That was what I was looking for.