Hi guys,
I'm a total assembly noob way over my head with a small school project deadline lurking.
I want to reverse an array and subsequently print the reversed array.
array1 db 225 DUP("00 ")
mov AX, rows
imul cols ; (DX AX) = AX * amount of columns
mov arraysize, AX
mov AX, arraysize
mov AX, 3
imul arraysize
mov last, AX
mov AX, SEG array1 ;Put address of data segment into AX
mov DS, AX ;then into DS (we can't do this directly)
lea DI, array1 ;put address of array1 into DI
add DI, last ;move to position 50
mov AL, "$" ;put $ into AL
mov [DI], AL ;put the $ into DI at position 50
;We use a loop to display the gameboard.
;First we reverse the corresponding array, because we must
array2 db 225 DUP ("00 ") ;
mov CX, last
revpos DW ?
mov AX, last ;First we must calculate the index of the reverse array
;that is going to be filled in this step.
sub AX, CX ;This is obtained by subtracting the last index and CX.
mov revpos, AX ;Store result in revpos.
mov AX, SEG array1 ;Now we load the gameboard in AX.
mov DS, AX ;Then into DS (we can't do this directly)
lea DI, array1 ;Put address of gameboard into DI.
add DI, CX ;Move to appropriate position.
mov AL, [DI] ;Get value from position (could be a problem! DI + 3)
mov AX, SEG array2 ;Now load reverse gameboard in AX.
mov DS, AX ;Then into DS.
lea DI, array2 ;Put address of reverse gameboard into DI.
add DI, revpos ;Move to position in reverse gameboard.
mov [DI], AL ;Put AL in to the appriopriate position of the reverse array
dec CX ;Decrement CX 3 times, which is the size of a word.
dec CX
dec CX
jnz go
mov AX, SEG array2 ;Put address of data segment into AX
mov DS, AX ;Then into DS (we can't do this directly)
lea DI, array2 ;Put address of array2 into DI
add DI, last ;Move to last position.
mov AL, "$" ;put $ into AL
mov [DI], AL ;put the $ into DI at last position
mov AX, SEG array2 ;Put segment address of array2 into AX
mov DS, AX ;Then into DS
mov DX, OFFSET array2 ;text at DS:DX
mov AH, 09h ;print text to screen
int 21h ;Function 9h of Interrupt 21h
mov AX, 4c00h ;Function 4c00h of Int 21h
int 21h ;Return to OS
If I change array2 to array1 in print_array the display is fine.
I basically want to get the same output as when doing so.
I'm aware that the code is ugly, often unnecessary stuff is done. In that case any pointers are welcome too!