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example for findfirst findnext with longfilenames

Started by johann, September 07, 2008, 03:44:43 PM

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anyone i'm looking for an example findfirst + findnext with longfilenames


Unlike OpenFile dialog where you can specify long names, FindFirstFile will accept whatever name you pass to it with or without wildcards so long as it doesn't exceed MAX_PATH

enter 150h, 0 ; Make stack frame large enough for locals and
push ebx ; WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
lea ebx, [ebp - 150h] ; EBX = WIN32_FIND_DATA
push ebx
push Search_Mask
call _FindFirstFileA@8
mov [ebp - 4], eax ; Save handle retured by function
inc eax ; -1 is returned if nothing is found
jz .Done ; Leave, there are no files in directory to evaluate

call Open_Data ; Open the file names in EBX + 1CH
and eax, eax ; was opening sucessful
jz .01 ; Nope try next file

mov [ebp - 8], eax ; Save handle returned by callee

push dword [ebp - 8]
call _CloseHandle@4

push ebx ; WIN32_FIND_DATA
push dword [ebp - 4] ; hFindFile handle
call _FindNextFileA@8
and eax, eax
jnz .ReadFile

push dword [ebp - 4]
call _FindClose@4 ; Close handle opened at begining of procedure
pop ebx
leave ; recover stack space
ret ; return to caller