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GoAsm license question

Started by Ghirai, September 26, 2008, 01:05:42 PM

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This might be obvious, but i felt the need to ask.
What license does GoAsm have? Are there any restrictions? Am i allowed to write GPL/BSD/MIT code?

Also, i have the impression that it's the 'closest' to masm when it comes to syntax and such.

MASM32 Project/RadASM mirror -

Mark Jones

Hello Ghirai, technically "jwasm" is probably the closest to masm, but the GoAsm tools are ultra-high-quality and fix bugs and add features not present in MASM. GoAsm is also backed by a very brief and unrestrictive license. Straight from the GoAsm manual:

GoAsm - licence and distribution
You may use GoAsm for any purpose including making commercial programs. You may redistribute it freely (but not for payment nor for use with a program or any material for which the user is asked to pay). You are not entitled to hide or deny my copyright.

Download here. :bg
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08