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Started by DoomyD, August 22, 2008, 09:57:39 PM

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While looking through the arithmetics behind the procedure, I noticed that it could be shortened by changing the multiplier constant, please correct me if I'm wrong >,<:
_dwtoa proc dwValue, lpBuffer
   push ebx
   push edi
   push esi
      mov eax,[dwValue]
      mov edi,[lpBuffer]
      test eax,eax
      jnz nonzero
         mov byte ptr [edi],30h
         jmp _dwx
      jns signed
         mov byte ptr [edi],2Dh
         neg eax
         inc edi
      mov esi, 1999999Ah
      xor ecx, ecx
         mov ebx, eax
         mul esi
         mov eax, edx
         lea edx, [edx+edx*4]
         add edx, edx
         sub ebx, edx
         or bl, 30h
         mov [edi+ecx], bl
         inc ecx
      .until (!eax)
      mov [edi+ecx],al
         mov ah,[edi]
         mov al,[edi+ecx-1]
         mov [edi+ecx-1],ah
         sub ecx,2
      jnbe @B
   pop esi
   pop edi
   pop ebx
_dwtoa endp


hmm... not tested this one, but if i remember well, it generate few wrong values if you don't use thesvin's technic here... anyway this one is quite slow, especially for big values...

read this topic for a faster one :


Thanks, i'll check it out =)