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Possible QE bug

Started by ic2, August 13, 2008, 10:41:22 PM

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Look at line 215 ... It has never lined up...
Now you see where I waste all my time.   I am a neat freak first.

1 space from edge of page:
Many spaces to line up 2nd word:
Than a TAB between the last two words ---  equ    00008000h

LAST_LINEMEDIAMODE           equ    00008000h

All my listing shows correctly under notpad but never qEditor.  Under all qEditors at Line 215 never line up with the rest of the tabs.  I could not find what I been doing wrong since day1.  I tried hard, went nuts, etc

Now it make me wonder why strange things happen when I reach a certain point in most of the programs I have written.  Latly I been reading more and more about other peoples stranges encounter.   I think hutch should know about this.  I overlooked it too long thinking that it was a Window  black hole of any editor and that it would happen even in notepad once a certain point is reached.  I don't think that is the case anymore.

Anyway, do anyone get the same results as I do...

[attachment deleted by admin]



QE does not normally use tabs and this is on purpose as every editor does them differently. Remove the tab(s) and replace them with spaces and the text will display correctly in any editor.
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I know that QE don't wordwrap and tabbing will get funny at times.  That's why I use SPACES and TABS in the order I posted.  "It a Art I learn to keep order others with editors".  The point is why would only one line, at only one point be the place to where things go bad.  That makes no since unless it was written in the program to do so. I'm sorry, but I see no reason for that.

Anyway, if you don't think it has any effect on anything, than fine.  That's one of the reasons I never posted theses finding and nothing has made me stopped using it anyway.  I got my work arounds... but if I worte it, I would check this, just in case.



QE inserts spaces when you press the TAB key exactly so you never get the problem with code written in QE. As you would be familiar, editors vary a lot in how they handle tabs, some use 4 spaces, others 6, others again use 8 and so on. QE aviods this by only ever using spaces to align text, its autoindent works the same way, it aligns the following line when you press enter by adding spaces at the front of the text.
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Try the GeneSys Editor. It will work. The only complaint I have ever had with the TABS is the column pointer in the Statusbar. I am a neatfreak, also.

Editor attached.

-- Paul

[attachment deleted by admin]
The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


That's right, QE don't keep tabs.  That's QE greatest feature.

HUTCH ... right now from line 198 to 214 i see tab like feature by cursor-space movement, one move jump 3 spaces like tab.

This is getting spooky.  If no one else see this that means I got a machine bug or the Assembler Gods are angry at me.


LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGI       equ  (tab)     00000100h
LINEMEDIAMODE_TELE       equ  (LOCKED)  00000200h
LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDE       equ  (IN)      00000400h
LINEMEDIAMODE_TELE       equ            00000800h
LINEMEDIAMODE_MIXE       equ            00001000h
LINEMEDIAMODE_ADSI       equ            00002000h  

I think numbers like 00000000h has something to do with it... It cause QE to accept the TAB values if edited by Notepad, Word, etc... Normally QEditor will strip all of this but these type 0000h cause QEditor not to see something.

Do you see that... If not I'll will be be checking in at the nearest nut house tonight.

PS:  Thanks PBrennick, but I rather have a Bud Lite

Just kidding but I like QEditor


QE will accept tabs in text but they may not align properly, this is why QE inserts spaces.

    00000000h   00000000h   00000000h   00000000h   00000000h   etc ....

Simple solution is remove the tabs from the source and it will not happen. Its exactly this type of problem that QE addresses by not inserting tabs when you press the TAB key. If you REALLY and TRULY need tabs in text, QE allows it with CTRL + TAB.

NOTE that QE does NOT strip out tabs when it loads but the rich edit control it uses only uses ascii 13 internally, it saves in normal 13.10 format.
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QE is fine.  After all of these year I finally see what has been going on. It was a matter of what I brought into the house.  Months latter when I notice something stranges I think the house is out of order when it was not.

a 100 year mystery solved


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One thing for you to think about is the possibility of stripping TABS that came as baggage when the file was opened during the SAVE process. This is the method used by TextPad. Personally, I dislike TABS because there is no standard for the setting which causes formatting issues if it is created in one editor at one setting and then opened in another that has a different setting. It is all because of the part TABs that fill in the gaps to line up for a full TAB. I know you know this very well, but that was to explain to ic2 as that is what is happening to him.

My mention of the GeneSys editor was, of course, nothing against QE, it is just that, because I do not strip TABS, the editor behaves a little better. Stripping TABS, IMO, is heavy handed if you are dealing with a user who likes them.

Just my opinion, my friend, I realize our two editors are like apples and oranges. QE is very powerful, I am trying to do the same with mine but maintain the original aim I always have had. The changes are working very well and I may be just a little to full of myself (as the saying goes) right now.

-- Paul
The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: hutch-- on August 13, 2008, 10:48:56 PM
Remove the tab(s) and replace them with spaces and the text will display correctly in any editor.

... provided your eyes are willing to support an ugly old Courier font.

LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEO                 equ 00008000h
LAST_LINEMEDIAMODE                  equ    00008000h

They are not aligned simply because the first (and all preceding) lines have a tab after equ, while LAST_LINEMEDIAMODE has spaces instead. RichEdit allows tab stops to be set by paragraph (I use that in RichMasm), but I agree that the lack of standardisation is a problem. My problem is I don't support Courier ;-)



Just so you know, it is FixedSys, not Courier, but it gives the same problem you mention. I use that font, also, but support TABS.

-- Paul
The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website



What I am inclined to do with imported code that has tabs is make a plugin that works similar to autoindent so that each tab is replaced with a space then aligned up to the next tab boundary. It will still be an imperfect solution as there is no way to know what the tab size was in the prvious editor that created it but it would go a long way towards fixing up messy text.

The problem with tabs and spaces mixed is that it is never uniform when manually typed and when its put into another editor that has different tab settings the code becomes unreadable.

Keep up the good work on the GeneSys editor, its looks like its shaping into a very good tool.  :thumbu
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Quote from: PBrennick on August 14, 2008, 09:09:40 PM
Just so you know, it is FixedSys, not Courier, but it gives the same problem you mention. I use that font, also, but support TABS.

Thanks, Paul - I had forgotten about FixedSys and used System instead, which gives better readability, see attached samples,  but of course it's a proportional font. Anyway, it will always be messy...

[attachment deleted by admin]


PBrennick, I did not know TextPad was one of your projects.  I'm a clown 75% of the time.  My jokes are meet to be funny, bright up your day,  bring back memories and never offensive.  ( that was the old superboul joke, man lost in the dessert that refuse water beecause he was looking for a BUD-LITE  heee hee )  I'm sure TexpPad is ready, but i been hook on QE soooo long.

Most of us started with QEditor. Two things I did not like.  No Find Next button on toolbar and no way to keep the window on the screen where you want it, with size.  I learn to live with the two tiny font sizes.  To this day I still use QE version 6 and may never switch.  The new QE solved the font problem but it open up a much smaller window that you have to resize each and every time,,,

Now get this, I used every IDE that we know of (quite well) and I have VC 6 for years... I deleted them all and kelp going back to QE... It has always  keep my files the way I like to see them and a few other important things to me.  I done forgot all the resons why but I not going back to waisting more time trying others.  My needs are simple and I'm not letting anything change that ever again.  Not even QE-9 but maybe TextPad.  It will be the last one I ever will explore.

Relizing nothing is perfect for every indivual, I have no problem waiting for hutch to retire.  By than he may find the key to that part of that code that he locked and threw away.  One thing for sure, we all know what he will be doing with all of his spare time.

Anyway, I say keep it the way it is.  But If you option to keep tabs, cool, other than that get rid of them ALL so there be no interference.
Sorry for the long post.  Had to get my 2 cent off.