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Writing a file

Started by bunnyboi, August 11, 2008, 05:41:49 PM

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I'm haveing a bit of trouble with the ReadFile and CreateFile functions. It looks ok to me but it crashes where you enter in the filename you want. Here is the code:
.586                                      ; create 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall                      ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none                      ; case sensitive

include ;includes for just about anything(taken from

msgA db "Enter in a file name. ",0 ;Input file name message
msgB db "Enter in some text. ",0 ;File content message
msgC db "Your new file is... ",0 ;File confirmation message (not really needed)

fname word 4 dup (?) ;File name buffer
string word 10 dup (?) ;File content buffer
buf word 10 dup (?) ;is this even needed?


invoke StdOut, addr msgA ;Output filename message
invoke StdIn, addr fname, sizeof fname ;Input filename
invoke StdOut, addr msgB ;Output file content message
invoke StdIn, addr string, sizeof string ;input file contents

invoke CreateFile,fname,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL ;create a file(this is where it chokes up
invoke WriteFile,fname,string,buf,NULL,NULL ;write file content buffer to the file

invoke Sleep,1000 ;gives a chance for the user to read input/output
invoke ExitProcess,NULL ;exit process(not sure if i need this[some programs crash without this])
end start

any help would be appreciated.


You must be careful with the parameters of CreateFile and WriteFile. Plus, CloseHandle is missing in your source code.

Here is a working sample :

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none

include     \masm32\include\
include     \masm32\include\

includelib  \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib


text        db 'This is a simple text file.'
filename    db 'text.txt',0
hFile   dd ?
_size   dd ?



    invoke  CreateFile,ADDR filename,GENERIC_WRITE,\
    mov     hFile,eax
    invoke  WriteFile,eax,ADDR text,TEXT_LEN,ADDR _size,0
    invoke  CloseHandle,hFile
    invoke  ExitProcess,0

END start

This example creates a file named text.txt
The content is the string labelled text specified in the data section.


Ok thanks it works, but how do you have the user input the filename and the contents?



StdIn proc lpszBuffer:DWORD,bLen:DWORD


StdIn receives text input from the console and places it in the buffer required as a parameter. The function terminates when Enter is pressed.

   1. lpszBuffer The buffer to receive the text input from the console.

   2. bLen  The length of the buffer.

Return Value
There is no return value.

The console determines the length of the maximum buffer size. 128 bytes should handle most console input needs. The position of the input on the console can be set with the locate function.

fname word 4 dup (?) ;File name buffer
string word 10 dup (?) ;File content buffer
buf word 10 dup (?) ;is this even needed?

As a start, you are allocating only 8 bytes (4 words) as the buffer to store the input file name. Since you are later specifying that size when calling StdIn, that proc will only store the first 8 characters entered by the user.

Even if you would specify a large enough size for the entire file name when calling StdIn, you would then overwrite part of it when calling StdIn for the text which gets stored in the "string" buffer.

#1: Always allow enough memory for the expected input

Secondly, you reserve double bytes (i.e. words) for a text buffer only when you want the Unicode character set. Otherwise, you reserve bytes for the ANSI character set.
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time