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Golden oldie BM algos written by Jeremy Collake

Started by hutch--, July 06, 2008, 08:04:42 AM

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No No, I wasn't talking about that. I can use ML 9 and the MASM32 linker just fine. I was just talking about C hello horld (Compiled and linked with VS2008).
Talking about that, the CL compiler is actually smaller than the assembler   :dazzled: !!

cl.exe     122 KB
ML.EXE   349 KB


There are a Boyer-Moore algorithm for Unicode? I was looking around the internet and found only in C++ ...


You would have to roll that one yourself as I have not seen a hand written unicode version. It would still work the same way but you would be working with 2 byte characters instead of 1.
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Quote from: hutch-- on February 23, 2011, 02:10:25 PM
You would have to roll that one yourself as I have not seen a hand written unicode version. It would still work the same way but you would be working with 2 byte characters instead of 1.

I have not seen too. Thank you hutch!  :U