First post! Help, i'd like to know the time!

Started by Seed_87, July 19, 2008, 10:42:44 PM

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Hello there! This is my first post in this forum..  :U

So, I'm a total newbie when it comes to programming in assembler. I only know C++ and Java and have absolutely no idea on how to even begin to use assembler so I figured i'd read a manual or two and, now that I think I  may have an idea of the basics, Im trying to start by making very simple apps and procedures and stuff so..

What do I need to do if I wanted to make a procedure that would return a random number between 0....n ?
I thought maybe there's a function or something like GetSystemTime in C??

Remember im a total noob at this :(

Many thanks, any help is very appreciated!


Here's the kind of procedure I use for generating pseudo-random numbers which are sufficiently random, for example, to shuffle a deck of cards.

I use GetTickCount which will returns in EAX the number of milliseconds since Windows was started up. That's sufficently random to use as a "seed". Make sure it's odd before storing it. Then use a relatively large prime (such as 3985951) to multiply the seed and retain only the lower 32 bits of the product which you use for generating your random number.


seed   dd  ?
n      dd  52     ;example for a deck of cards
prime  dd  3985951

call GetTickCount
or   al,1         ;insures EAX is odd
mul  prime        ;randomize it a bit more
mul  prime
mov  seed,eax

;then, when you need a random number X, 0<= X <n
call RandomNumber

mov  eax,seed
mul  prime
mov  seed,eax      ;keep the lower 32 bits for the next seed
mul  n             ;your random number is now in EDX

Hope this helps
When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


Hey thanx raymond! 

I'll try my best to try and understand the code you gave me :eek

Thanx a lot!  :U

Ill be probably back with some questions  :green



Now thats cool, i think im getting the hang of it..  :green2

Now i got a next question for you: The code for outputting to the cosole is the one below, only when I compile it, it throws this error:

ERROR A2022: Instruction operands must be of the same size  :'(

Does that have anything to do with the fact that db is 1 byte long and dx is 2 bytes long? ( Am i wrong with this?  :eek )

Oh, i hope im not asking too much but: Outputting a number? Is it the same code?

    .486                                        ; Para crear codigo de 32 bits
    .model flat, stdcall                      ; modelo de memoria de 32 bits
    option casemap :none                ; case sensitive

    include \masm32\include\     
    include \masm32\macros\macros.asm       
    include \masm32\include\

    msg   db "this is the string to print",13,10,"$"

  .code                       ; Aqui comienza el codigo como tal...

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

start:                              ; The CODE entry point to the program

     mov  dx, offset msg      ; dx register gets location of string to be printed

     mov  ah,09h        ; function code goes into the ah register

     int  21h           ; tell DOS to print the string


end start                       ; Tell MASM where the program ends


Your problem is that you are telling the assembler it is 32 bit code & you are trying to write 16 bit. I think this should be moved to the DOS forum


Thanx Neil,  will post over there! btw raymond your code ROCKS!  :dance:



Just out of curiosity: Do you WANT to program in DOS? Win32 is a lot easier, and a lot more powerful...
Here is a little demo - a macro that may help you debug your programs. Usage:

   mbDebug 0, "Show me the registers and five variables:", \
   eax, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebx, ebp, esp, \
   MyCounter, MyThirdVar, MyFilePath$, MyGreets$

Backslash is line continuation character.

include \masm32\include\

EolMode equ 13, 10
; EolMode equ 32,32,32,32 ; for horizontal display

mbDebug MACRO slot:REQ, txt_title:REQ, args:VARARG
ifndef mbDebugbuff
mbDebugbuff db 2048 dup (?)
mbDebugbptr dd mbDebugbuff
mbDebugStop dd 5 dup (IDOK)
push offset mbDebugbuff
pop mbDebugbptr
mov byte ptr mbDebugbuff, 0
for arg, <args>
LOCAL tmp$, cc
cc INSTR <arg>, <$>
tmp$ CATSTR <chr$(">, <arg>, <")>
if cc
mov mbDebugbptr, cat$(mbDebugbptr, tmp$, chr$(9), <arg>, chr$(EolMode))
mov mbDebugbptr, cat$(mbDebugbptr, tmp$, chr$(9), sstr$(arg), chr$(EolMode))
.if mbDebugStop+4*slot==IDOK
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr mbDebugbuff, reparg(txt_title), MB_OKCANCEL
mov mbDebugStop+4*slot, eax


txMyPath db "MulDbgMacro.asm", 0
txMyGreets db 13,10,10, "Thanks to JimG for the ", 34, "fine tuning", 34, " ;-)", 0
MyFilePath$ dd txMyPath
MyGreets$ dd txMyGreets


    call main

main proc
    LOCAL MyCounter:DWORD, My2ndVar:DWORD, MyThirdVar:DWORD
    mov MyCounter, 111
    mov My2ndVar, 222
    mov MyThirdVar, 333
    .While MyCounter>0
mov eax, 1000001
mov ecx, 1000002
mov edx, 1000003
mov esi, 1000004
mov edi, 1000005
mov ebx, 1000006
mbDebug 0, "Show me the registers and five variables:", \
eax, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebx, ebp, esp, \
MyCounter, MyThirdVar, MyFilePath$, MyGreets$
dec MyCounter
mbDebug 1, "Show me the vars:", MyCounter, MyThirdVar, MyFilePath$

main endp
end start


wow that looks complicated.. only it isnt that complicated  :U

Thanx a lot for that jj2007. I'm really thankful I registered in this forum cause i was really lost  :eek

Ill take into consideration everything you said and try and program only in 32bit code.

Thanx again!



You are welcome :bg
As a start, check the \masm32\examples folder, or google for Iczelion tutorials.