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HIDE 1.27.00

Started by Sevag.K, March 08, 2008, 06:08:17 AM

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Home Page:

   v 1.27.00 Full Install

   v 1.27.00 Upgrade from HIDE 1.24.00+

   HIDE Sources 1.27.00

Latest Update Log Entries
-HLA 1.99
-fixed potential stack leak in captionbutton.hla
-added persistant source bookmarks
:3 new Edit menu items; Insert Source Bookmark, Next Source Bookmark,
  Prev Source Bookmark
:new property type "bookmark" in Properties tab
:syntax for inserting source bookmarks manually //bm=bookmarkid
:it is important that there be no spaces between "//bm=", the
:bookmarkid must be a single word, all other words are ignored
:Selecting "Insert Source Bookmark" opens a string input dialog
  enter a bookmarkid and press enter, H\IDE will do the rest
  currently the find next and prev are crude implementations using
  HIDE "find" feature and won't work if "Whole Word" was selected
  as a search option.
-increased text limit for string input dialog to 1024 chars
-changed zstr macro name to mzstr to avoid conflict with
hlalib2 zstr namespace.  Also, will begin to use HLA type "zstring"
in place of mzstr when convenient
-(undocumented) '$' macro removed
-$$ macro is now %$
-added new menu item to Project: "Empty Temp folder"
this will delete files in the current temp folder.
see Help -> Show Environment for details on the current temp folder
-internals: removed use of depricated scanning functions
now strictly uses scan namespace and internal lexer.
-splitbars behavior erratic on some OS setups.  1st attempt to fix.
minor asthetic changes
-Recent Files feature has been overhauled for better behavior
-fixed crash when font dialog is accessed without an open project
or open file
-save, saveall options are now only available if there is something
to do.
-khelp update to 0.90
-this is now a 'frozen' version of HIDE with HLA 1.99
further updates to this version will be only for bug-fixes
no new content will be added.
v1.30.00 (to be released) will continue development with HLA 1.100+

HIDE description:

HIDE is an IDE for HLA based on Ketil's RAEdit.dll.  It is a complete
HLA package containing all the tools and programs
necessary to get started with Randall Hyde's HLA.
No installation is necessary, HIDE runs sets up and runs from its
own folder, and comes with a project manager for easy modular programming.
HIDE is also integrated with FASM, allowing writing FASM programs as well
as mixing HLA/FASM units within HIDE projects.

HIDE   The main IDE.
   -no install necessary, it can be run from virtually any
    folder.  All paths are relative and updated each time
    HIDE loads (if necessary).
   -autogeneration of make file for easy project management of
    modular programming.
   -full integration with FASM allowing FASM code to be written
   -mixed language programming allows for HLA and FASM units to
    be mixed in the same project.
   -option to auto-complete common HLA structure keywords
   -1 click/key jump to declarations, 4 storage spots + middle mouse btn
   -debug mode and debug window to display output.
   -properties viewer and project view for easy navigation of
    large projects as independent windows or docked into the main
   -greater in-program control of link settings.
   -option to integrate with a debugger of your choice.
   -templates for fast and easy startup of new applications.
   -minimum impact on system registry (only ResEd uses it to save
    window position).
   -code folding, bookmarks, highliting, resource editor and more.
   -a portable library that extends the hla standard library.
   -support tools: a make program, lexer generator, document reader,
    bit-mask generator, windows header consolidator

HLA   Randall Hyde's HLA compiler, the HIDE package comes with hlaparse
   (the core of the HLA compiler), the HLA standard library and
   corresponding header files.

FASM   Tomasz Grysztar's Flat Assembler.

   polink, polib, porc and Windows libraries from Pelle Orinius's
   PellesC package.

ResEd   Ketil Olson's resource editor and RAEdit.dll

cCalc   A bit-mask generator with a visual aid of 32bits register
kmake   A scirpt processor with a custom syntax and Borland 'Make'
   compatibility mode (limited).
khelp   A document reader that uses simple ASCII sectioned file.
gen   A simple lexer generator

HIDE, cCalc, kMake, kHelp, wscan, gen  are open-source programs.
HIDE package is released free of charge for commercial or
personal use as long as the terms and conditions of the licenses
are upheld.
Licence information may be found in the HIDE\Documents\Licences folder.
Tools that don't have licences are released either Public Domain or
freeware.  More information can be found at the appropriate web sites



Hey Sevag.K, is it possible to build a version of hide that can optionally use masm32 instead of fasmw ??


No immediate plans.  This may have to wait until the HIDE internal scripting engine is built, if I ever manage to find the time to do it.

Randall Hyde

Quote from: Sevag.K on June 02, 2008, 11:08:03 PM
No immediate plans.  This may have to wait until the HIDE internal scripting engine is built, if I ever manage to find the time to do it.

Sounds like a job for ...
... HLA Basic!

Seriously, HLA BASIC v2.0 will be making an appearance within a couple of weeks (it's code complete now, I just need to test it heavily). It's pretty easy to extend and is great for allowing users of products like editors and IDE to program their own scripts.

HLA Basic v2.0 has a couple of really nifty features. Among them:

1. HLA Basic programs are now HLA objects. So you can create and execute multiple BASIC scripts from the same HLA program.
2. There is a new "suspend" statement that lets an HLA Basic program return to HLA, execute some HLA code, and resume execution of the Basic program immediately after the suspend statement at some later time.
3. There are two new statements, "read" and "write" that allow access to external data (e.g., values in an HLA program).
4. I've separated the Basic compiler from the interpreter, which makes certain operations a whole lot cleaner.
5. I've sped up the interpreter (over v1.0) quite a bit.
6. I've made it much easier to add new statements to the HLA Basic language, so you can easily create your own domain-specific language using the HLA Basic language as the base.

Randy Hyde



Quote from: Randall Hyde on June 03, 2008, 01:01:39 AM
Quote from: Sevag.K on June 02, 2008, 11:08:03 PM
No immediate plans.  This may have to wait until the HIDE internal scripting engine is built, if I ever manage to find the time to do it.

Sounds like a job for ...
... HLA Basic!

Sounds great!  I haven't looked at HLA Basic in years.  I was contemplating a forth-interpreter but decided against it since not too many people are familiar with it.  My next choice was a variation on the Arayna language I designed for the GUI IF engine I was (and still) working on some time ago.  However, the extensibility of HLA Basic you mention may just be enough to push me in that direction.