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Project Builder

Started by The Freak, May 25, 2008, 06:12:34 PM

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Hello Paul,

I tested again the new version and It works fine. It was a simple mistake of mine, my apologies.


I don't quite understand what this tool is yet. I might have the wrong impression of what it does. I can't seem to get it to work.

what I am thinking is it does a project, a project being many asm files which are assembled into many OBJ files then it also does rc's etc, linking everything into the project. In this case a console or windows app.

I will keep try to get this to work, mean while I was hoping someone could tell me if I am thinking wrong on what this tool does.


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I think Paul is using it to develop a menu option for his editor in GeneSys.
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Whether it is being developed as a menu option for GeneSys or not (haven't decided if I will ever return to GeneSys), it is a fully functional utility that can be used to build projects in the traditional way.

Since I understand how Altra32 functions which in turn tells me how your mind operates (not a slam), this utility will never function for you. My concept for a project is that there is ONE master ASM file and (since windows) ONE RC file. Any amount of either files can co-exist in the same folder but they MUST be utilized by an INCLUDE (or #include, as the case may be) directive for each one which is the way I was originally taught and in turn taught. In fact, the original concept for an INC file was a library of subroutines so there were never multiple ASM files. I choose this method as it is cleaner and more comprehensible. Indeed, I totally recommend that people AVOID creating a file just to hold one procedure. That is something that should only be done if you have a library of re-usable procedures. A file named WndProc.asm is foreign to my way of thinking.

So, of course you cannot get it to work, sorry. We are not on the same page at all in the way we expect a user to program.

PS: Thie attachment is the newest version. It incorporates Hutch's nice suggestions.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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On my dev directory it has built everything I have tested, both console and GUI with no problems. I tried all combination from full build down to assembler, compile resources and link them all together and its working correctly.
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The thing I really like about you is that when something should be changed or tweaked, you are not afraid to say so. Also, by the same token, you are perfectly willing to give credit where credit is due. I admire this.

Thank you for continuing to test this in spite of the fact that you are VERY busy with your service pack.

To al:: I welcome constructive criticism, but I will, at times, defend myself if 'I' feel I need to do something in a certain way. Everyone here knows or should know that I am a fanatic about avoiding loose programming habits. Just to be clear, there IS a time when a procedure shold be in its own file, it would be when a library is being created. This is to avoid granularity. The one real downside about that method of programming, though, is the problem with having to re-declare global variables using the EXTERN syntax.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I understand now, and I agree with you, I think most people do prefer to
use the INCLUDE method, and that alone, would make it the better choice,
because it is used the most.


Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
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I tried very hard to be careful with my wording. I like Altra32, it is just not my way and not the way I prefer to teach. I guess the best way of putting it is that, even after years of coding, 'I' still like everything in front of me in one file, if possible as it is easier to the code. Everyone develops their own coding technique and I am all for that. In the final analysis, I am happy to see Assembly getting used in software development. It would really be exciting to see it stop being the 'hobby' language that it is becoming and see some serious programming development done with it. An example of this is ABitmapEditor.exe. We really need more of this type of thing. For this reason, my goal has always been to take as much of the overhead away as possible so that a newbie does not give up, not so much because of the coding, but because of all the fluff involved in getting 'to' the programming.

Nice to talk to you, we should start our email conversations again. I guess you can see that I have your console working very well and it is starting to become a shell. I am looking closely at this possibility.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website