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Started by c0d1f1ed, May 15, 2008, 11:06:07 PM

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Quote from: BogdanOntanuUsing cmpxchg with LOCK prefix and then claiming "non locking" ... is "PRICELESS"

Lock-free doesn't mean it doesn't use the lock prefix. On the contrary: "Lock-free and wait-free algorithms are written using atomic primitives that the hardware must provide".

The ignorance about multi-core programming on this forum is saddening. Even more so because arrogant and equally ignorant administrators feel they need to close a topic because it talks about the limitations of assembly.

Priceless? No. Hilarious from a certain point of view, but most of all very very sad.


Oh dear,

What is priceless is you insisting to attack and use non-technical issues in disguise of talking remotely about a technical problem in order to troll.

You could have started your thread with more wise words and issues....
Instead you waste yet another chance.

For example:
The ignorance about multi-core programming on this forum is saddening.

This is an no good will and insulting assumption.
You can not make assumptions about all of the members of the forum level of knowledge.
You can only assume about your own level...

Even more so because arrogant and equally ignorant administrators feel they need to close a topic because it talks about the limitations of assembly.

The topic was closed exactly because of such non sense statements. Statements that bring nothing new to the table but have the potential to insult and make the discussion more opinion and personal preference based rather that technical.

What makes you make such statements?

The CPU does have to execute ASM code, it does not know HLL concepts. Hence in a logical inference IF  HLL can do "something" then ASM can also do that "something" usually 10x faster, more simple and much easier. The reciprocal is NOT true. It is possible that there are some things that ASM cand do but HLL can not perform without some help from ASM code. Hence only HLL code can have "limitations".

ASM has no limits at all, IF it can be done THEN ASM can do it better on a specific CPU... if it can not be done in ASM then it simply can not be done at all.

In logical consequence your statements are false and in bad will and this reduces your credibility to near zero... quoting from Wiki can not add authority to your image.

Maybe Wiki is right or maybe Wiki is wrong the problem is that you have no clue and no way to tell. And if you base you searches and make assumptions on this then you whole search might be going in the wrong direction right from the very start...

It is so much better for the honest seeker to follow your own ways while still keeping you mind open for concepts that other are kind enough to expose be it in this forums, other places or even in the Wiki.

Lock-free doesn't mean it doesn't use the lock prefix. On the contrary: "Lock-free and wait-free algorithms are written using atomic primitives that the hardware must provide".

So now you quote from the Wiki. Should I consider that all your knowledge is in fact borrowed from others? You can not clearly and simply explain what you want to say without using concepts and explanations from others? Then my friend you know nothing you just pretend.

Even more it shows how deep it is the ignorance of HLL concepts and algorithms and the confusion of their terms.

Define your terms better, explain in greater detail what you intend to achieve, in ASM terms and terminology on an ASM forum. Once again we are not on a C/C++, Delphi or Java or C# forum here.

For ASM LOCK prefix DOES mean something very clear.

IF for You and your kind it does mean something else (yeah i do know what it means in the context of Wiki) then I suggest you adapt to our local conditions.

Obviously from the way you have started this new thread you do not deserve another chance...  But still I say you should have it... maybe you will succeed to behave and keep the talks technical and not insulting.

You started (again) badly but maybe you are capable to learn and improve...

Here is the deal:
I will alow this thread to continue but only if you keep it technicaly only oriented.

One more such insulting post and this thread gets locked or deleted.

However if the discussion keeps on the interesting technical facts and issues then you have learned something today and maybe others will join and also learn or share their knowledge with you.

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.



ok, missed your fair chance ...
I have laso locked this thread because it started badly ... try again in "good will" this time ;)

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.